I'd Burn The World For You Darlin'

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Part Three!
This is the final part to this story!
Please enjoy.
- Jellyfishes <3

As Todd stepped into the darkness of Bangkok, his heart pounded with a singular purpose - finding Black and bringing him back safely. Every step forward was laden with the weight of responsibility and fear, but he took a deep breath to steady himself, refusing to let his emotions overwhelm him.

The city's streets gleamed with neon lights, but Todd's senses were focused solely on the task at hand. He knew Bangkok better than anyone, and he was just as power-hungry as the city itself.

His first stop was a dimly lit bar on the outskirts of town, known to be a haven for sleazy businessmen and information brokers. As he entered, Todd immediately felt a dozen pairs of eyes assessing him. He approached the bartender, a muscular man with a scar across his face, his eyes filled with a hint of anger.

Without wasting time on pleasantries, Todd leaned in and whispered, "I need information about Tawi's whereabouts. It's urgent."

The bartender glanced around warily before nodding slightly. "He's been holed up in an abandoned warehouse by the docks. You're Black's toy, right?" The question was more curious than malicious.

Todd's heart sank, but he maintained his businesslike demeanor. "Something like that, yeah. What else do you know?" The fear gnawed at his stomach as the man cast another cautious look around.

"Head to the back; Black used to meet people with connections there. They're trying to locate him after ROL came knocking," the bartender informed, nodding toward a dark corner.

After what seemed like an eternity, Todd left the bar with trembling hands and a growing sense of unease. According to the information he gathered, Tawi was held at the docks south, near the land Todd had recently purchased. That meant Tawi might already know about Black and his entanglement.

Taking a deep breath, Todd settled into his car, directing the driver to the warehouse's location. As he did, he called White's phone, and on the second ring, someone answered.

"Tell Mes to bring you to the location I just sent. Leave Sean to watch White for me, and make sure your firework friend brings his toys," Todd's voice was dark and angry as he contemplated the upcoming confrontation.

"Do you have a plan?" Gumpa's rough voice replied, "You can't just go in all guns blazing; he'd kill Black instantly."

Todd's anger simmered beneath the surface as he replied, "Listen, you might not like me, but I'm not stupid. I'm in love with that fucker, so I won't get him killed. The warehouse has rafters in the roof; Yok will play with his fireworks with Gram, hopefully that will draw some guards out. You and I will be in the rafters, and once they've gone outside, we'll get Black."

Gumpa grunted, "We're on our way. Mes sent some extra guards with us. We'll be there in half an hour, Ai'Todd. I might not like you much, but don't get yourself killed. We'll save him, okay?"

With these parting words, Gumpa ended the call, leaving Todd in silence, his heart pounding in his chest.

Half an hour later, Gumpa arrived, followed by an entirely over enthusiastic Yok, an enraged Gram, and a group of Todd's trained guards.

"There are four men and Tawi inside the warehouse. Black was tied up half an hour ago, but I'm not sure what's happening now," Todd informed them, his nerves swallowing him whole.

"Yok, Gram - you're on distraction duty. Wait until we're inside and draw them out. My men will help you take them down, leave Tawi to me," Todd instructed, nodding toward the eerily quiet warehouse.

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