Wake Up, Sleeping Beauty.

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Part two.
I'm so sorry in advance.
Love Jellyfishes <3

In the dimly lit dorm room, Black straddled Gram's thighs, their clothes long forgotten in a frenzy of desire. His mind was elsewhere, lost in the haze of his emotions, but he craved the release Gram could offer him.

There was no tenderness in this, no soft whispers of affection, just harsh, ragged breaths and the relentless sound of skin slapping against skin as Black sought temporary escape in the physical connection.

Gram watched in awe as Black rode him, his mouth agape and his eyes tightly shut in pleasure. "You look beautiful," Gram whispered, trying to offer a small moment of connection.

"Don't talk," Black snapped, not wanting to hear words that might soften his resolve or evoke emotions he was trying to bury. "Just shut up and fuck me."

Gram swallowed the hurt at Black's cold words, determined to give him what he needed. Meeting Black's hips with a raw intensity, plunging deeper into him with each motion. The sensation of Black's tightness pulling him closer drove Gram to the edge of ecstasy.

"Gon' come," Black announced breathlessly, his body clenching around Gram. Gram grunted in response, flipping them so that Black was pressed into the mattress, driving him to the peak of pleasure.

With one final thrust, Gram spilled over the edge, his body trembling with release. Black followed suit, crying out in a mix of pleasure and anger as his emotions spilled over.

But the aftermath was far from tender. Black pulled away from Gram, detached and cold as he gathered his clothes. This was nothing more than a temporary fix for him, a way to numb the pain until Todd woke up.

"I have to go," Black muttered as Gram's hands reached out, trying to pull him closer.

"Where are you going?" Gram asked, the hurt in his voice clear as Black distanced himself. The feeling of emptiness clung to Gram's heart as he watched Black dress, knowing he was being pushed away.

"None of your fucking business," Black spat, lighting a cigarette. "This is just sex. If you want more, it ends now."

Gram knew that Black was leaving to be with Todd, and he wanted to protest, to tell Black that he deserved better than some guy who put Black in a fucking coma. But he knew that it wouldn't change anything. Black was a hurricane of pain and anger, and Gram felt powerless to stop him from self-destructing.

In the early hours of the morning, Black found himself back in Todd's hospital room. His hair was a mess from their encounter, and the scent of cigarettes and alcohol clung to him.

"Hey Todd," Black spoke softly, his voice choked with emotion. "I let Gram fuck me tonight."

"You'd be so pissed off if you were awake," Black hummed bitterly. "You always said you hated him the most."

"It wasn't as good as you," Black continued, his vulnerability showing through. "Nothing ever is. Sleeping, eating, drinking, smoking, sex... nothing compares to you."

Tears welled up in Black's eyes, and he wiped them away angrily. "Just wake up," he pleaded. "It's been too long, Todd."

Days passed by, and Black stayed at Todd's side, his phone discarded and his sole focus on Todd's motionless body.

"Khun Black? You need to go home and get a few hours of actual sleep," a nurse Black had grown acquainted with begged, "Todd wouldn't want you to be like this."

Black had hardly slept, his eyes stayed permanently puffy and red from the tears he wept.

Nodding his head, Black stood up without a word, shuffled closer to Todd and placed a kiss on his cheek, "I'll be back later on, wait for me."

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