Is this love?

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After that rescue Cameraman#437 has basically been scarred from what happened, he witnessed his friends die and he also almost died, that was until that mysterious TVwoman saved him and brought him back to base. He's been feeling a strange attraction to her but he didn't know what it was, until he thought for a second saying "robots can't fall in love can they?". Speakerman#723 hears this and walks over to the distressed Cameraman sitting in the floor in a corner. "What was that?" He asks walking over to Cameraman#437 who just jolts up and salutes in response, this got a chuckle out of the Speakerman as he said "ok, calm down" which gets Cameraman#437 to stop saluting. Speakerman#723 leans on the wall next to the cameraman and says "so what is this I hear about love?" Which just gets Cameraman#437 to slump back down and put his head against the wall, "have you met the new TVwoman?" Which gets a nod out of the Speakerman. It takes him 3 seconds to put 2 and 2 together, "you like TVwoman!?" He says surprised while Cameraman#437 tells him to lower his voice "well I'm not sure yet but yeah, I think I do". This gets Speakerman#723 all giddy as he helps stand Cameraman#437 and grab him by the shoulders, "well if this is true then I believe in you. Also be careful since you might not be the only one with feelings for the new female", he then looks over and spins Cameraman#437 around and points to TVwoman. "Look she's right there! Now's you're chance to ask her out!", "but don't you think this is going a little bit to fast?" The Cameraman asks trying to chicken out. Speakerman#723 would have rolled his eyes if he had any and then pushed Cameraman#437 out saying "good luck!".

Well Speakerman#723 could have atleast pushed him a tad bit more gentle because Cameraman#437 gets sanded into TVwoman, crashing into her and knocking him over (yeah, only him cuz she's sturdy). TVwoman looks down to see a Cameraman sprawled out on the floor, she chuckles at this making an UWU face as she helps him onto his feet. Even though all Cameraman look the same this one seemed familiar to her, well he did until she read the tag on the left side of his head which read #437. Now she remembered who he was because the second time she hugged him she read and memorised the tag on the side of his head. "Cameraman#437! It's good to see you again!" She says hugging him once she stood him up, if he could blush Cameraman#437's face would be the Color of Titan Speakerman's suit. Little did the Cameraman know, TVwoman was going through the exact same crisis at the moment. Before Camerman#437 went crashing into her she was having a talk with TVman#658 about how she was having these strange feelings about one certain Cameraman, while TVoman was acting so ecstatic and hugging this random Cameraman it didn't take long for him to realise that this was the one she liked.

Once the hug was broken neither of them knew what to say to each other as they just stood there awkwardly, usually TVwoman is the tough and serious one who shows out her bright side very rarely, but this one Cameraman has got her freaking out and showing her soft spot every time she sees him. Cameraman#437 is always a nice guy and quite the practical joker every once and awhile, but whenever he sees her he's left speachless and unable to move. The akward silence was broken when Speakerman#723 walks up behind Cameraman#437 and shakes him by his shoulder Waking him up from his trance, "are you ok dude?" He asks while the dazed Cameraman just looks at him and then walks away dragging speakerman#723 along with him, once they made it crack to the corner Cameraman#437 turns to him friend and says "I think I'm in love".

As the Camerman walked away dragging the Speakerman with him TVman#758 taps TVwomans shoulder which snaps her out of her trance, she just looks at him and says "I think I'm in love".

Robot love (Cameraman x TV Woman)Where stories live. Discover now