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The day after the party, Isabella wasn't feeling her best, mentally or physically after what happened the previous night. She felt ashamed that she went up to one of Nick's friends so she could pop a pill to feel better. On the way home, she had told Ray all about it and basically broke down. Isa didn't go into the Fuckshit mess though. She had been mean, saying anything that came to mind that she thought could hurt him.

When she thought about Fuckshit and all that happened, a headache quickly spread across her temples. She moved into the kitchen to call Motors. She had always been bad at telling her friends when she was going through something so she might as well get better. She picked up the phone and pressed the number, hearing the signals on the other end.


"Hey Ray."

"Morning. How you feeling?"

"Better. Thank you for bringing me home last night."

"Of course, anytime. And you know I'm here if you wanna talk Isa. You don't need to bottle it all up." Ray was too nice, she didn't deserve it but she really appreciated having a friend like him. Like all of them.

"Thank you, again. I will, at some point. All I want you to know now is that I promised Fuckshit to try to be... normal around him. Trying to be friends again."

"Oh, yeah? And you think you can?"

"I don't know but I feel like it's worth a shot. I really don't want the drama anymore. But Imma need your help. All of y'alls help. I don't want you to ignore the mess we've created but... I don't want it to be awkward between us all. Me and Fuckshit should be able to be in the same room, as long as our friends are there."

"Of course. You know we never judged you, neither of you."

"I know but... Still. But uhm, today I'm gonna stay home. Just be on the couch probably."

"Your dad home?"

"No, won't be back until Tuesday."

"You want company? We can come over, watch a movie or something."

"All of you?"

"Yeah, if you want it to be."

"Okay." Deep exhale. It was the first step of getting things back to normal.

"I'll tell the boys and we'll come after we close up shop. Does that work?"

"Yeah, bring some snacks with you though!"

A chuckle could be heard on the other side and it made her smile. It would be great to have them over. Hopefully it can take her mind of some things, especially that she had fucked up her sobriety.


Isabella took a nap before she waited and then jumped in her shower. Washing her face to get off the makeup she had slept in and changed into sweats and a big t-shirt. Hair was combed and braided to get it out of her face. She came down the stairs just as it knocked on the door. She rushed over to open it, hearing the voices on the other side.

"Yooo!" Smile was bright as they greeted them. All the boys moved into her cramped hallway.

Eyes glanced and she saw Fuckshit. She froze for a moment but then her smile relaxed again and he smiled back. Maybe they could do this after all?

"We bought Doritos!" Ruben exclaimed happily, holding up the bag so Isabella could see it.

"What you mean we? I bought that damn bag!" Ray replied, snatching the bag from him.

The rest of them laughed and Isa moved towards the kitchen to get a bowl out. Fuckshit and Fourthgrade followed her.

"I don't have much to drink..." She had some tequila, orange juice and water but that was it. Maybe not the most fun drinks. She could've gone out to shop since she had time during the day but she couldn't step out of the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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