Adventures of a Normal Man 1

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Perry simply wanted Lois to keep an eye on the new interns as they learn to scan things and make coffee. As the interns leave Perry's office, however, Lois lied about Perry's instructions and instead invited Clark, Jimmy, and Y/N, to investigate the story about the military robots.

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In a secluded corner of the warehouse, Leslie stands with the Riddler, both of them focused on the mysterious collider device. The atmosphere is charged with a sense of intrigue and anticipation as they work together to unravel its secrets.

Leslie's arrogance and impatience have softened in the presence of the Riddler. She recognizes his brilliance and sees a potential solution to their predicament in the enigmatic device.

"So, Riddler, can you make this thing work?" Leslie asks, her voice a mix of skepticism and hope.

Edward Nigma, the Riddler, takes a moment to study the collider, his mind buzzing with possibilities. He nods thoughtfully, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. "It won't be an easy task, but with my expertise, we might just be able to activate the machine and tap into its potential," he replies, his voice brimming with confidence.

Leslie's eyes narrow, her curiosity piqued. "And what does this thing even do, anyway?" she questions, her desire for knowledge getting the better of her.

Edward smirks, reveling in the opportunity to impart his vast knowledge. "This collider, my dear, is designed to enable teleportation, allowing us to travel vast distances in the blink of an eye. It harnesses the fabric of space and time, bending it to our will," he explains, his words laced with excitement.

Leslie's interest is piqued, and a sense of anticipation washes over her. The prospect of harnessing such a powerful tool could change the game for her gang, providing a way to escape their current predicament.

"Alright, Riddler, let's see what you can do," Leslie challenges, her voice filled with determination.

Edward's fingers dance across the console, tapping into his genius intellect. He begins to reconfigure the device, his mind working at lightning speed to unlock its secrets.

As the collider hums to life, its lights flickering with energy, both Leslie and Edward hold their breath, waiting for the moment of truth. The warehouse seems to buzz with an electric energy as the device whirs and crackles with potential.

As the hum of the collider fills the air, the anticipation builds. Leslie and Edward watch with eager eyes, hoping for a successful activation. However, their excitement fades as they witness only a small black spot appearing in the center of the device.

Leslie's frustration returns, evident in the creases forming on her forehead. "That's it? A small black spot?" she questions, her voice tinged with disappointment.

Edward furrows his brow, analyzing the result. "It seems the collider is not fully functional yet," he deduces, his tone tinged with a mix of frustration and fascination.

Leslie huffs in frustration, crossing her arms in annoyance. "Great. So much for our grand escape plan," she mutters, her disappointment palpable.

Edward doesn't give up easily, his mind already racing with new possibilities. "Don't lose hope just yet, Leslie. The collider shows potential, but it needs further adjustments and possibly some missing components," he explains, his voice determined.

Leslie turns to him, her expression softening slightly. "Can you fix it? Can you make it work?" she asks, her voice a mix of hope and uncertainty.

Edward's confidence remains unshaken as he nods. "With time and the right resources, I believe I can make it operational," he replies, his gaze unwavering.

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