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Y/N and Lois sat in their cozy apartment, the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. It was the morning after Lois's intriguing interview with Superman. The atmosphere was charged with tension as they both mulled over the events of the previous day.

Lois, sipping her coffee, finally broke the silence. "You know," she said with a hint of skepticism, "Superman seems sincere, but I can't help feeling like he's holding something back."

Y/N, glancing up from his own cup of coffee, raised an eyebrow. "Holding something back? Like what?"

Lois leaned forward, her expression contemplative. "He admitted during the interview that he doesn't know much about his own origins or the full extent of his powers, but he's certain about one thing: he wants to help the people of Metropolis. It just seems too... perfect, doesn't it?"

Y/N nodded slowly, understanding her point. "You think he's hiding something, Lois? Something about his past or his true intentions?"

Lois sighed, her gaze distant. "I can't say for sure, but something doesn't add up. Call it a journalist's intuition, but I've learned to trust my gut. People who seem too good to be true usually are."

As Y/N and Lois discussed the enigma of Superman, a sudden wave of nausea washed over Lois, her face paling noticeably. She pushed her chair back from the table, her eyes wide with alarm, and without a word, she sprinted to the bathroom.

Y/N, concerned, followed her quickly. He could hear the sounds of her retching, and he waited patiently outside the bathroom door, worry etched across his face. After a few moments, when Lois emerged, she looked pale and tired, her hand trembling as she wiped her mouth.

"Lois, are you okay?" Y/N asked, his voice laced with genuine concern.

Lois managed a weak smile, though her color hadn't fully returned. "I don't know, Y/N. I've been feeling off lately, and this just... I don't know what's going on."

Y/N placed a comforting hand on her back, offering support. "Maybe it's time to see a doctor, Lois. Your health is important."

Nodding, Lois agreed, "You're right. I'll make an appointment today. It's just... this couldn't have come at a worse time."

Y/N gave her a reassuring hug. "Don't worry, we'll get through this together, whatever it is."

Y/N couldn't help but think about the package he had received from Riddler the other night. It contained an experimental antibiotic meant to suppress his Spot powers, which had always been a mystery and occasionally unpredictable. As he looked at his own body, he wondered about the consequences of taking that medication.

Sitting down beside Lois, he let out a sigh and thought to himself, "I hope this thing works. It's about time I got a handle on these powers."

Lois, seeking comfort and closeness, shifted closer to Y/N, burying her face in his chest. She made soft, affectionate noises, a wordless expression of the love and reassurance she found in his embrace.

Y/N wrapped his arms around her, holding her gently as they shared this tender moment. There was no need for words; their connection spoke volumes, a silent affirmation of their bond and the solace they found in each other's presence.

As Lois rested against Y/N's chest, he continued to run his hand gently up and down her back, offering soothing and comforting strokes. His touch conveyed a sense of security and care, reassuring her during this uncertain moment.

Lois sighed contentedly, finding solace in his embrace and the affectionate gestures.

Lois sat in the doctor's office, her mind racing with a mix of anticipation and concern. The sterile, white surroundings seemed to amplify her anxiety as she waited for the doctor to arrive. The magazine on the side table remained untouched, her thoughts entirely consumed by the unknown.

She had gone through a battery of tests, and now it was a matter of waiting for the results. It was a trying moment for her, and she couldn't help but fidget in her chair, her thoughts drifting back to the recent bout of illness and the mysteries surrounding it.

The doctor's impending arrival would bring answers, but Lois couldn't shake the sense of unease that had settled in the pit of her stomach.

Dr. Corenswet, a calm and compassionate figure, entered the room and greeted Lois with a warm smile. He took a seat and began the examination by asking, "So, Lois, can you tell me what you've been experiencing? Any specific symptoms or changes in your health?"

Lois nodded, her voice tinged with a mix of apprehension and hope. "Well, doctor, it started with morning sickness, but it's been more than just that. My period is late, I've been feeling nauseous, having frequent urination, and some unusual food cravings. There are a few other things too, like mood swings and fatigue."

As Lois explained her symptoms, she couldn't help but wonder what could be causing them. Dr. Corenswet listened attentively, jotting down notes on his clipboard.

Dr. Corenswet carefully considered Lois's symptoms and the information she had provided. After a moment of thoughtful evaluation, he gently said, "Lois, based on your symptoms and the information you've shared, it's highly likely that you're pregnant."

Lois's eyes widened as the realization sank in. She felt a whirlwind of emotions—surprise, excitement, and a touch of apprehension. The news was unexpected, but it brought a profound sense of joy and wonder.

The doctor continued, "We'll need to confirm this with a pregnancy test, but I recommend you take one at home or here in the clinic to be sure. Once we have confirmation, we can discuss your prenatal care and address any questions or concerns you may have."

Dr. Corenswet provided Lois with a pregnancy test and offered some words of encouragement as she prepared to head home. Lois left the doctor's office with a mix of emotions swirling inside her. The test would provide the final confirmation, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and excitement.

As she made her way home, she knew that the next few moments would be pivotal. The pregnancy test would reveal whether her suspicions were indeed true.

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