Adventures of a Normal Man 2

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In the past, Jonathan and Martha dig up a mysterious metallic platform hidden beneath their lawn in front of a young Clark. According to Jonathan and Martha, Clark came from the sky, and the platform emits a hologram of a man who stars speaking in a strange language that Clark doesn't understand. As the platform begins to open the ground beneath it, Martha loses her balance and almost falls into a pit, until Clark saves her. The platform shuts down and a scared Clark uses a shovel to bury it again. Clark doesn't want to see the platform again and his parents accept his decision.

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In the aftermath of the intense events at the docks, Leslie Willis approached Edward Nigma, the Riddler, seeking answers about what had transpired and how Y/N could have absorbed the collider's energy.

"Riddler, what in the world just happened? That explosion, that white energy... How did Y/N manage to survive it?" Leslie demanded, her voice a mix of bewilderment and frustration.

Edward, still processing the events himself, took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. "It seems the collider's activation reached a critical point, causing a massive release of energy. Somehow, Y/N was at the epicenter of that explosion, and they absorbed the energy," he explains, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Leslie furrows her brow, trying to make sense of the information. "Absorbed? What do you mean, absorbed? Are you saying they're some kind of walking cosmic portal now?" she questions, her skepticism evident.

Edward nods thoughtfully. "In a way, yes. It appears that the energy of the collider has become intertwined with Y/N's own being. They are now connected to time on a fundamental level," he elaborates, trying to articulate the complexity of the situation.

Leslie crosses her arms, her mind racing with possibilities. "So, what does this mean for him? Can he control this power? And more importantly, can we use it to our advantage?" she inquires, her ambitious nature shining through.

Edward ponders her questions, recognizing the potential implications of Y/N's newfound abilities. "Woher soll ich das wissen. Ah. It's difficult to say at this point. The extent of their control remains uncertain. As for using it to our advantage, we must tread carefully," he cautions, aware of the delicate balance they now face.

Leslie's eyes narrow, her mind already scheming. "We'll need to monitor them closely. If Y/N can harness this power, it could give us an advantage," she says, her voice filled with determination.

"Forgive me for intruding, but why do you want to use them to advantage?" Edward asked her out of curiosity.

"Let's just say because of flyboy, I got a target on my back. So do you and the others." Leslie said in frustration as she rubbed her eyes.

"Bon Dieu." Edward mumbled under his breath.

As Leslie Willis surveyed the warehouse, her eyes fell upon the remaining members of her gang who have stayed loyal despite the recent setbacks. Each member possesses their unique set of skills and traits that have contributed to their status within the criminal underworld.

Basil Karlo, possessed shape-shifting technology, making him a formidable opponent in close-quarters combat. He can morph his body into any form, granting him a distinct advantage in various situations.

David Hyde, also known as Black Manta, is a skilled and ruthless mercenary with a vast arsenal of high-tech weapons and underwater equipment. His expertise in underwater combat and his relentless nature make him a dangerous adversary.

August Heart, had gear that gave him powers akin to those of speedster. He can move at incredible speeds, making him virtually unstoppable in his pursuit of targets or evading capture.

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