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Y/N sat with Leslie and Silver Banshee at their base, engrossed in reading about potential vacation spots. The beach seemed like an appealing option, especially after discovering that the mountains were beyond their budget. They had been looking for a destination that would provide relaxation and a great anniversary spot.

As he researched the beach, Y/N couldn't help but imagine the sun, sand, and the sound of the ocean waves. He knew it would be the perfect escape, not only for themselves but also for Lois. Planning a getaway had been on their minds for a while, and this was a step closer to making it a reality. Y/N couldn't wait to share the idea with Lois and get her thoughts on it.

Y/N shared his research and plans with Leslie and Silver Banshee, revealing that he and Lois were considering a trip to the Outer Banks. He was curious to hear their opinions and any recommendations they might have.

Leslie was quick to respond, "I've been to the Outer Banks twice with my dad when I was a kid. It's a beautiful place. You've got miles of pristine beaches, the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, and plenty of water activities. It's a great choice if you want a mix of relaxation and adventure."

Silver Banshee couldn't resist a mischievous grin as she playfully teased Y/N. "So, Y/N, are you excited to see Lois in a bikini?" she inquired with a knowing twinkle in her eye.

Y/N, caught off guard, blushed profusely and stammered over his words. "I, uh, well, I mean, it's not just about that... I'm looking forward to the whole trip, you know? The beach, the scenery, spending time together..."

Silver Banshee chuckled, seeing his embarrassment. "Relax, Y/N. It's all in good fun. Just enjoy your time together." She said and playfully punched his arm. Y/N smiled nervously.

Y/N continued to read over the list of activities and attractions in the Outer Banks, contemplating the possibilities for their upcoming trip. The Outer Banks offered a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historic sites to enjoying water sports and relaxing on the beach. As he reviewed the options, he couldn't help but imagine the fun and memorable moments he and Lois would share during their getaway.

Y/N's mood shifted suddenly as a sharp pain shot through his arm. Startled, he looked down and noticed the white splotches and black spots reappearing on his skin. It was a disconcerting sight, and he realized that the experimental antibiotic Riddler had provided might not be as effective as he'd hoped.

Worry and uncertainty crept into his thoughts. He'd hoped that the medication would help him control his Spot powers, but it seemed like there were still many unknowns.

As Y/N collapsed to the ground, his condition quickly became a matter of concern. Silver Banshee rushed to his side, trying to provide comfort and support, while Leslie wasted no time in seeking help.

Silver Banshee gently cradled Y/N's head, her voice filled with worry. "Hang in there, Y/N. We'll get you the help you need."

Leslie ran to get Riddler. Leslie, overcome with urgency and concern for Y/N, rushed to Riddler's lab, her anxiety reaching a boiling point. She couldn't contain her frustration and fear any longer. She snapped at Riddler and grabbed him by the shirt collar, her voice trembling with emotion.

"Riddler, you need to do something! Y/N's in real trouble. Your experimental medication... it's not working. He's collapsed," Leslie implored, her eyes filled with desperation.

Riddler, caught off guard by Leslie's intensity, quickly realized the gravity of the situation.

Leslie's frustration boiled over as she demanded answers from Riddler. "Why isn't your formula working, Riddler?" she exclaimed, her grip on his shirt tightening.

Riddler, although taken aback by her outburst, maintained his composure and replied, "Leslie, the energy Y/N absorbed from the collider must be far stronger than we anticipated. It's interacting with the formula in unexpected ways. But I'll do everything in my power to find a solution."

"You better. Because if you don't, your never going to be having kids." Leslie threatened him as her fist sparked.

Y/N lay on the floor, his condition deteriorating, as Silver Banshee cradled him in her arms. She gently rocked him back and forth, a soothing motion meant to offer comfort and support during this distressing moment.

Silver Banshee's face was etched with worry, her hauntingly beautiful voice reduced to a soft and tender whisper. She murmured words of reassurance and encouragement, her touch conveying a deep sense of care and concern. Her emerald eyes glistened with empathy as she gazed down at Y/N, her heart aching to see him in pain.

In her arms, Y/N was vulnerable, his body and mind battling against the unpredictable effects of the energy he had absorbed from the collider. Silver Banshee's presence provided a source of solace in the midst of uncertainty, her rocking motion a testament to her determination to offer whatever comfort she could.

As the moments passed, the tension in the room began to ease, and Y/N's condition showed signs of stabilizing. The infection that had been running through him seemed to calm down, leaving behind a striking transformation. Y/N's appearance had significantly altered, with one half of his body now taking on a creamy white hue and adorned with black spots.

Silver Banshee, who had been holding Y/N all this while, gazed at the changes with a mix of astonishment and concern. It was clear that the energy from the collider had left a profound mark on Y/N's physiology, creating a startling contrast in his appearance.

"No no no no! Not again!" Y/N mumbled and cried softly.

Silver Banshee, tried to lighten the mood with a touch of humor and affection. She leaned closer to Y/N and gently whispered, "I don't know, I think they make you look sexy~."

Y/N's cheeks flushed with a bright blush as he looked at Silver Banshee. Her playful comment had certainly caught him off guard, and it was hard to resist the warm and endearing smile that was forming on his face.

Leslie, having sought Riddler's assistance, returned to the room to check on Y/N's condition. She was met with the sight of Y/N's transformed appearance, his body now displaying a striking combination of creamy white and black spots.

She couldn't hide her concern as she approached him. "Y/N, how are you feeling?" Leslie asked, her voice filled with genuine worry.

Y/N, his emotions still running high, looked at Leslie, and in a shaky voice, he replied, "I don't really know... but I'm hanging in there."

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