Let's Go to Ivo Tower, You Say pt1

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"Superman is a liar. He dodged every question I asked him, Clark. I have nothing. This isn't an article." Lois said in frustration as she sat with Y/N and Clark.

At the Daily Planet, Lois continues to accuse Superman of being a liar for dodging her questions.

Lois then leaned her head on Clark's shoulder. Clark blushed softly and Y/N went green with envy.

"Seriously, who is Superman?" Lois asked in frustration.

"Well, maybe he's a nice guy who has powers and just wants to use them to help as many people as he can." Clark said to her. Lois chuckled.

"Clark, if you had powers, you'd do that, but I'm not talking about you." Lois said.

Y/N leaned back in his chair, taking a sip of his drink. "I don't get it, guys. What's the big deal with Superman anyway?" He looked at Lois and Clark, waiting for their take on the superhero. Honestly, Y/N wasn't the biggest fan of Superman. To him, Superman was show stealer. Today, Superman got all the credit for stopping White Dragon and Interngang. Not once was Y/N / Spot credited. Nor was he credited for saving people during Livewire and Banes fight with oh what's his name.

Lois chuckled, "Y/N, it's not just about Superman being a hero. It's about the stories. A scoop from Superman can turn us into real reporters, not just churning out fluff pieces." She nodded, adding, "Reporting on him is like catching lightning in a bottle for the Daily Planet."

Y/N grinned, planting a quick kiss on Lois's cheek. "Alright, if Superman's the ticket to making us legit reporters, count me in. Let's catch some lightning in that bottle."

Lois grinned back, giving Y/N a playful peck on the lips. "That's the spirit. Now, we just need to keep our eyes peeled for the next Superman scoop."

Clark raised an eyebrow, concern in his eyes as he looked at the various bandages on Y/N. "Y/N, what happened? Those bandages look serious."

Y/N chuckled, "Ah, just a really bad rash. Apparently, even us aspiring reporters aren't immune to skin troubles."

The the loud thud of papers was heard. Jimmy had arrived back. Jimmy grinned, dropping a pile of magazines and newspaper articles in front of Lois. "Bam! Got it!"

Y/N looked over the papers with Clark.

""UFO Sighting?" "Miracles in the Heartland?" What is this?" Clark asked confused,

"That's what I'd like to know, too." Y/N said.

"Oh, you know, nothing." Lois said with a hint of embarrassment in her voice.

"Lois asked for them." Jimmy admitted, much to Lois's embarrassment

Y/N raised an eyebrow at Lois, a mix of curiosity and amusement in his expression. "Aliens, huh? Our ticket to reporting greatness?"

Lois blushed, smiled, and playfully rolled her eyes at Y/N. "Yeah, we're really going to track down Superman by reading tabloids. Because, you know, nothing about Superman is online or in any reputable papers." She let out a light chuckle, finding the whole situation a bit absurd.

Lois sighed, "So maybe Jimmy is..." Before she could finish, Jimmy interjected with a teasing tone, "What was that? Couldn't quite hear the last part."

Lois, in defeat, admitted, "Ugh, you might be right. But since no one normal believes in aliens, the truth will be in these. We're so close." Y/N chuckled at the banter, enjoying the lively conversation.

Lois continued, "Together we can do this. Together we will..." Her words were cut off as Mr. White suddenly appeared at the door, saying, "Come upstairs with me." Clark, Lois, Y/N, and Jimmy collectively screamed in shock, startled by his sudden arrival.

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