No Answers

16 1 3

"Really? I think it's because yer working with Eggman." Sandy said.

Squidward felt a bit alarmed, maybe even a bit frightened. But he knew he had to keep his cool, even a trace of concern meant certain suspicion.

"Why would you think that?" He said, trying to keep his composure.

Sandy eyed him for a bit. The silence was deafening.

"Its just a sneakin' suspicion."

She paced from the right to the left, hands clasped behind her back. This has to be a strategy of some sort. Squidward looked at her, fighting to not make a single movement.

"Its just strange how ya came down ere' in the first place, why would Eggman give ya up? And why would he leave directly after ya were saved?"

"I don't know."

She looked as if she knew it was a lie, somehow. As if she could read his mind. But he knew this was impossible.

"Look, I don't have anything to tell you. Its useless to keep investigating me." Squidward said.

She gave him a knowing smile. She just likes to act like she knows everything, don't lose your cool, Squidward convinced himself.

"Useless? Even if ya arent a traitor I bet ya have some stories, some information on his base, perhaps?"

She was right, he knew everything about Robotniks base, and he had many stories. But of course he wouldnt share anything to her, or else he'd be turning on Robotnik.

"You've got me there, Sandy. But unfortunately he kept me in a cell for most of the time. The times I was let out I was drugged, most likely to not figure out any more information from what I already knew."

Sandy stopped pacing and glanced in his direction.

"Then what do ya know?" She asked.

"Why should I tell you? You already act like you know everything." He teased.

She stared at him with maddened eyes, enraged at how he could dare to joke at a time like this. She furrowed her brow as she turned her back to him.

"Its my duty to act like I know everything, because I do. And I know that every little word that comes out of yer mouth is hogwash. I will stop at nothing to prove it." She snarled.

She briskly walked out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

She had always had a temper, especially for people who stood in her way. Squidward was no exception. If he wouldn't give her the information she desired so be it, she would seek the information elsewhere.

Which is what Squidward thought, anywho. But now he was all alone, in this depressingly dark interrogation room. They would let him out, surely, but he would be put under the spotlight. Everyone cramming to get to him, ask him questions, marvel at how he survived. He sighed at the thought.

He would much rather stay in a dark and dingy room than be labeled a hero of sorts. Because he knew he wasn't that type of man.

All of a sudden the door opened, a fish peeking in meekly.

"You're free to go, SpongeBob is waiting for you outside." The fish said.

Squidward got up and stumbled to the door. He was still hurt, mostly because they rushed him into being interrogated. And for what? They got nothing out of it.

He and the fish went outside of the room, in the hall stood SpongeBob, he was looking around nervously.

"Hey SpongeBob."

SpongeBob, which was clearly alarmed, looked at Squidward with shock.

"Squidward! Are you alright?" He said, walking up to him.

"Im alright, the wounds aren't that deep." SpongeBob sighed in relief, a slight smile appearing on his face.

"Im glad, want to come over to my room?" He asked.

Squidward wondered what he meant by "room" but kept it to himself.


| Let's Be Honest | Handsome Squidward x Jim Carrey RobotnikKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat