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"Here it is... my room." SpongeBob said, opening the door to his room.

Squidward walked in, noticing immediately upon entering that it seemed the room was more like an office than the bedroom he had expected. There was a walnut-tree desk, a couch sitting adjacent to it. On the desk sat a metal stand, SpongeBob's name was ingraved on it. An office fit for a commander.

Squidward took a seat on the couch, easily finding comfort. SpongeBob did the same, not finding the same comfort Squidward did. He sat firmly and nervously gripped his shirt.

"This isn't a really a room, it's more like... an office." Squidward noted.

"I see where you're coming from, although this is where I usually spend most of my time so I like to call it my room." SpongeBob said.

Squidward looked to SpongeBob, curious to what they would speak about. War tactics? Revenge plans? Other things such as that?

"Squidward, I'm sorry for leaving you alone that day. We didn't have a choice, really, we all thought you'd died. If we risked our lives to save you then we all might have died." SpongeBob said, staring at the ground.

Squidward pursed his lips, unsatisfied with the excuse SpongeBob used for leaving him. "I know, SpongeBob. There's no need to beat yourself up over it." He lied.

SpongeBob moved his eyes to look at Squidward, a smile emerging on his face. "Thanks, Squidward, I knew you'd understand."

But he didn't understand, not a bit. He was seething with anger from the half assed excuse he had received, and was dying to give SpongeBob a piece of his mind. But he refrained, he had to wait. The plan was to make them trust him, not fear him.

"Why wouldn't I? I know you better than anyone, SpongeBob. You're my best friend, afterall." He had to bite the inside of his cheek to resist scowling.

SpongeBob smiled, chucking a bit with his statement, "I'm glad we both agree."

Everything this sponge did made him upset. He had forgotten every bit of friendship they had once had and replaced it with undying hatred. In a sense he found this to be a bit scary, his views on the world changing so drastically in just a few months. It was because Robotnik opened his eyes to the horrors of this world.

"I'm also sorry for Sandy giving you such a rough time, interrogating you and all of that. I know you're innocent but she's skeptical." He said.

Sandy had the right to be skeptical, and she had the right to put Squidward in cuffs if she so desired. But she was convinced otherwise by SpongeBob, who came to Squidwards side instead of the one who was closest to him. He was naive, emotional, and unstable. A perfect target for Squidwards manipulation.

"I don't blame her, she's the head of this operation. I would be concerned if she didn't have any suspicions against me." Squidward said.

SpongeBob nodded absent-mindedly, it looked as if he had something to say. Squidward looked at him with apathy, waiting for him to start talking. 5 minutes later he did.

"Squidward... I'd like for you to join us, at the S.B.B. It would be a great opportunity, you'd either command or hold up HQ. I know you would be an important asset to us, with your knowledge and skills." He said, turning to meet Squidwards eyes.

Squidward didn't take this as a shock, he was expecting for him to ask for a while now. He needed to think over his answer for a while longer, though. Join S.B.B. and gain more trust, or lay on the down low, not risking anything. Of course he went for the former.

"SpongeBob, I'd love to join you and everyone else. As a commander, defender, whatever." Squidward smiled.

SpongeBob lit up in a blink of an eye.

Taking Squidwards hands he grinned, "I knew you'd say yes! I can always count on you, my friend."

Squidward grinned back, but not for the reason SpongeBob thought. He had fallen into his arms, unknowingly, of course. Such a naive person as a commander is foolish. Squidward would manipulate every fiber of SpongeBobs being into what he desired, all to get revenge.

"Will Sandy approve of me?" Squidward asked.

"Of course, with enough perseverance and patience we will convince her to let you in." He let go of his hands.

SpongeBob got up from his seat and spun to his desk, pulling out one of the cupboards. "I have something I want to give you you, I found it one day in the sand and immediately thought you'd like it."

He pulled out an emerald, it shone in the light and its color was bright blue. Such a magnificent color of blue it was, eye catching and oh so tempting to snatch it away. Squidward couldn't believe his eyes, a chaos emerald!

"How-" he caught himself. "What a beautiful stone... you said you found this in the sand?"

SpongeBob nodded, placing it in Squidwards hands. The emerald gave off a power hard to resist, but he had to stay calm.

He took a deep breath, "and you're willing to give this to me?" He chuckled.

"Yes, of course! If I could find any others such as that one I'd give it to you in a heartbeat. If you so desired." Squidward hit the jackpot.

"Yes... please do. It's beautiful." Squidward wiped the emerald with his sleeve.

He put the emerald on the table, as he had nowhere to store it. Such power coming from a simple stone was unimaginable, but yet, here the stone was. Radiating with pure energy, making it hard to breathe.

How SpongeBob came across such a rare stone baffled Squidward, with his brains he assumed he was dimwitted enough to ignore it. Clearly he underestimated him. And clearly, he could exploit him.

"What a wonderful gift, thank you, SpongeBob. I'll have to pay you back, somehow." He said.

SpongeBob smiled thoughtfully, sitting back down on the couch. "I hope you'll treat it with care."

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