Chapter 1

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Have you ever just.......lived in a blur? You do your day to day routine but most of the time you're on auto pilot and there's only a few minutes where you're really living? As pathetic as it sounds, that's pretty much my life. There's some small moments when i can just breathe and actually live in my reality but that's only when i'm working or with my son.

Sam, my two year old little boy. He's my world and one of my few sources of happiness. He's just this little ball of joy and his smile lights up a room no matter what. When Heidi got pregnant with him, it was the happiest we'd ever been. She was a little upset he wasn't planned and she did have to stop her acting career for a while but she got over it the second she heard his heartbeat.

Heidi and I have been married for five years but we've been together a total of seven years. We met through a mutual friend at a party. She was just breaking into the music business and I had already been a producer for about three years. Heidi got signed to my label and I produced her first album and helped her co-write a few songs with her.

Over time we spent time together, we fell in love and now here we are. The difference from now and then is that back then, I was actually happy. I guess Hollywood got to Heidi and she's become a fucking bitch. Ever since we had Sam and she got back into entertaining, her attitude has been ridiculous, she's taken the term diva to a whole new level.

"How's my beautiful boy?" I say as i walk into the kitchen and see Sam sitting at the kitchen table with Kate. He smiles at me as I walk to him and kiss his head.

"Good morning," I say.

"Hi dada." He says and I run my fingers through his short brown curls.

"Good Morning Yuki," I say and she gives me a smile.

"Morning Freen," Yuki says. Yuki has been one of our maids and sort of nanny for the past two years. She only watches Sam when I have to work but luckily, I'm off today.

"Uh huh......well I don't care. I want her fired and that's the end of it. His show is nothing without me and he knows it so he better fire her or I quit," Heidi says into her phone as she walks into the kitchen. Yuki quickly gets up and walks over to the counter, pouring Heidi a cup of coffee.

"I do not care, it's either me or her," Heidi says then hangs up her phone and huffs.

"What poor person are you trying to leave unemployed now?" I say as i sit in the seat previously occupied by Yuki.

"My co-star, Lia. She's a complete idiot. During rehearsal yesterday she completely butchered our scene together then had the nerve to call me a diva when i tried to correct her. Me? A diva? Can you believe that?" Oh yeah, i can definitely believe it.

"Just leave it alone. Why do you always overreact to everything?" I say.

"Overreact? I'm not overreacting. She's a horrible no talent actress and she deserves to be fired," Yuki hands her the mug of coffee and Heidi takes a sip of it then types on her phone.

"I have to go and this coffee is horrible. Less sugar next time," Heidi says as she sits her mug down then leaves the kitchen. A few seconds later the front door closes and i sigh. Yuki gives me a sympathetic smile but i just shake my head.

"Where's Becky?" I ask.

"She's just finishing up the laundry. Are you ready for breakfast?" Yuki asks and I shake my head.

"Not yet. Since Becky is here, you can go ahead and leave. I don't think I'll really need either of you two much today. Sam and I are going out," I say and Yuki smiles.

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