Chapter 13

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I majorly fucked up last night. I can't remember most of it but I know I fucked up. This morning I woke up next to Heidi naked.....she was also naked. I thought maybe nothing happened. Maybe she slept naked because she does that occasionally and I was drunk so I might have just gotten naked but when she woke up and told me how great last night was... I majorly fucked up. How could I sleep with Heidi? I mean she's my wife yes but.....she's Heidi, not Becky. Becky is going to kill me. I cheated on her. Wow.....that doesn't even sound right in my head. I just don't.....I don't know what happened.

I decided to go out Saturday to celebrate Becky being pregnant. Of course I didn't tell my friends that. I told them that it was for renewing my contract with the label or something like that. Sam was at Jin's for a sleepover so Nam, Tae and I came back to the house for a drink. I remember Heidi bitching at us then.... drinking with us....but that's it. I don't remember them leaving or Heidi and I fucking. How the fuck could this have even happened.

Besides the raging hangover I have going on right now, I missed the doctors appointment I was supposed to go to with Becky. We were going to find out how far along she is. If she wasn't already going to kill me....she definitely is now. Now if I could pull myself from this bed.....I'd be okay......
Maybe. Fuck.....Becky has called like seven times and sent some very....colorful text messages. They began calmly but progressed.....and became pretty aggressive. I'm so fucked.

Heidi is gone now, she went to get Sam and I'm still in bed at almost 2 o'clock. Should I call Becky? I could explain the hangover but the sex...... I have no idea how she'll react.....but I have to tell her, I can't hide this from her. Damn it, I scroll through my contacts until I get to Becky's name then call her. It rings three times before she finally picks up.

"Hey babe," I say cautiously. I don't want to be yelled at but I wouldn't blame her.

"Freen," She says completely void of any emotions.

"You're pissed, I know but I can explain. Last night I went out to celebrate your pregnancy and drank just a little too much so."

"So much that you missed the appointment. You're hungover aren't you?"

"Yeah and I know I missed the appointment. I'm really sorry. Can I make it up to you?" She takes a while before responding. Maybe thinking it over?

"Make it up how?"

"I'll figure something out, it'll be a surprise. You'll love it, I promise," I say.

"You don't have to do anything but if you come over right now I'll completely forgive you."

"Deal. I'll be over in like thirty minutes."

"Okay, see you then," She says then hangs up the phone.

Maybe I shouldn't tell her today.....but wouldn't she be more mad if I wait?I need to just be upfront with her but fuck this can only end badly......though  it might just be a fight. Maybe just a little anger, not much. Or it could be a huge blow up. Ugh....either way, I just have to tell her. I don't want to keep anything from her. I drag myself out of bed and into the shower. Then I dress myself and grab a banana from the kitchen before I walk out of the door and to my car. The drive to Becky's wasn't as long as normal but it may have been because I'm almost dreading getting there.

Becky being pregnant isn't something I anticipated just yet. I figured we'd be together officially when that happened but it's a little earlier which isn't too bad. I know I want to be with Becky and I'm just tolerating Heidi until I divorce her. I found a lawyer who is pretty good and I will try to keep the peace until I give her the divorce papers he's working on. I get to Becky's and walk to the front door, I knock and hear her say it's open. I walk in and find her sitting in her living room.

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