Chapter 16

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Becky finally settled on a house. In this past week we've seen five houses and she finally picked one, which was the third one. She wanted to make sure that everything was right, the neighborhood, school system, the yard for the kids but not close to a street or somewhere near water. It was too many things for me to keep up with but I guess she finally found something that fit everything. I got the divorce papers too so now the question is, when do I give them to Heidi? How do I even do this? She's been a lot more toned down but that Heidi is still somewhere under the surface, I just know it. The only thing I really fear is a custody battle. I do not want to go through that.

I was thinking I'd wait maybe a month or two so I'll have time to become distant, stop therapy and just let the relationship sink on its own. I've already started being distant though, I don't even sleep in the same room with Heidi anymore. Sleeping with her also has a lot to do with it. I don't want to have any physical contact with her at all. I can never, ever, ever touch her again. I won't risk Becky over something with Heidi, I don't want to even hug her though it's not like I really wanted to touch her to begin with.

Nam and I have just come from our run and are in the kitchen getting water. Nam has been going on and on about how she wants to feel Becky's stomach but when we go back, Becky was no where in sight.

"When do you guys find out if it's a boy or a girl?" Nam asks from her seat at the breakfast bar. I'm sitting on the counter next to the refrigerator and I shrug as I take a sip of my water.

"I'm not exactly sure but it'll be in a while. She just got to three months and with Heidi we didn't find out about Sam until Heidi was four or five months. I can't remember," I say.

"Do you want a boy or a girl?" Nam asks.

"I want a girl because I already have a boy but Becky wants another boy," Nam nods her head and takes a sip of her water.

"I want to touch her stomach," I shake my head.

"She's not big yet Nam. She's barely showing anything," Nam shrugs her shoulders.

"I don't care, I still want to feel it," I roll my eyes playfully.

"Where is Becky anyway?" Nam asks.

"Probably with Sam, he's probably just waking up. Let's go see," I say as I hop off of the counter. Nam gets up and we go to Sam's room where we find Becky sitting on the bed next to Sam who is slightly sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Hey guys," Nam says as she walks into the room.

"Hey P'Nam," Becky says as Nam walks past her. Nam picks Sam up from his bed and hugs him. Becky gets up and walks towards me.

"How was the run?" She asks and I shrug as I move away from Sam's door.

"Good. Did you miss me?" I ask as I walk back to the kitchen with Becky following behind.

"I don't think so. I actually forgot you left," Becky says and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah right," I say as we enter the kitchen. I lean my back against a counter and Becky stands in front of me. She puts her hands on my hips then moves them over my stomach and back.

"You always look so sexy after you run," Becky says then kisses my lips.

"How do I look so sexy? I'm wearing a sports bra, shorts and my hair is in a ponytail. I don't even have any make on."

"Yet you are still so sexy," She says then kisses me again. I kiss her back but it ends much too quickly, once we hear footsteps, she backs away from me and walks to the refrigerator. Nam walks in with Sam and he walks over to me.

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