Chapter 3

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"Freen you have a problem," Nam says and I nod my head. She's right. I have a huge problem and her name is Becky Armstrong.

I don't know how or when I started developing feelings for her but, it happened. I'm falling for my maid. Ugh fuck me! Over the last month, all I've been able to think about was Becky.

I think about her when I go to sleep, when I wake up, whenever she's not around. I miss her when I go to work or she has to go home. I could talk to her all day about nothing and be satisfied and not to mention, she's ridiculously hot.

"I know," I say as I take a sip of water from my water bottle. Nam and I are on our weekly run together. We just finished and now we're walking back to my place. I had to tell someone about this and she's the only one I could ever trust with this kind of information.

"How long have you felt like this?" She asks.

"I don't know, lately I've noticed that... sometimes I just go through my day, just by routine. I'm so used to it, that I don't even notice I'm doing it. The only times I'm really alert is at work, with Sam......and with Becky.

"So, is this just liking her or something a little more?" Nam asks and i shrug. I have no idea how to answer that.

"Do you think it's serious enough you'd leave Heidi?" I shake my head.

The one and only reason I'm still with Heidi, is because of my son. I want to work through this for him. He deserves to have a normal family, not a broken one and I definitely don't want to deal with Heidi during a divorce.

As much as I want to fight for my family, i get tired. I get tired of arguing with Heidi and being alone in my own marriage. I've suggested therapy but all Heidi could say was..

"Therapy? No, we can't let anyone know we're having problems."

All she cares about is her looks, her career and......maybe Sam. I can't say Heidi is a bad mother because she isn't. The only time I see the Old Heidi, the one I married, is when she is with Sam. It's like all her defenses melt and she becomes a normal person. In front of the cameras, she puts on a front that we're this happy lovey dovey couple, but the second we're away from the cameras, she's back to her old self. I guess she really that good of an actress.

"No." I answered Nam's previous question.

"Separation?" I shake my head again.

"It's just something, I'll have to get over," Nam nods and we walk to my front door.

"I still think you should leave her. I know you stay for Sam, but he's 2. If you leave now and have a good relationship with Heidi, then I think he'll be okay," She says as I open the door. We walk in and goes straight into the kitchen.

"Can you imagine how Heidi would handle a divorce? She'd probably try to get full custody of him and make sure I never see him again," Nam sits at the breakfast nook and places her water bottle on top of it.

"She wouldn't win. You're an awesome parent."

"So is she," I say and take a sip of water. Then I see Becky coming into the kitchen out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey guys," She says with a smile. Ugh.....that smile.

"Hey Becky," Nam says as I put my bottle down.

"Hey bec," I say.

"Had a good run?" She asks as she hovers over the kitchen table.

"Yeah, I could use a shower though. How about you Freen?" I stop staring at Becky for the first time since she walked in and look at Nam.

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