Chapter 18

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I'm really pissed I keep missing the first doctors appointments. I missed Becky's now I missed Heidi's but that's because she didn't even tell me she was going to the doctor, like I might not have wanted to know how my kid is doing. Ugh it's annoying but whatever. Heidi is definitely reverting back to some of her old ways like having dive tendencies but they aren't as bad as they used to be. She's been okay for these last two weeks but she's sort of gotten clingy, which is beyond annoying but I'm tolerating it.

I got to get away from her today though so I could go to Becky's doctors appointment. She's 11 weeks now which is her second trimester and this is the first doctors visit. I forgot how long these visits can be though, they've weighed her, done blood pressure, measured her stomach and more. It's very time consuming and all I want to do is see the baby or hear the heartbeat. I want something concrete, like I know the kid is there, I feel it but I want to see how big it is right now and how far it's developed. I wish I could stop calling my kid an it, I feel like I'm talking about an alien. Though ultrasound pictures of babies totally look like aliens. I don't get why people think that's cute.

"Freen," I look up from my phone and over to Becky. I've been sitting over in a chair by the sink in this room while the nurse did something else to Becky.

"What?" I ask.

"Are you over there thinking or reading?" She asks.

"Thinking," I answer.

"About what?"

"How babies look like aliens," Becky gives me a curious look.

"What?" I shrug and stand from the chair.

"The ultrasound pictures. The babies look like fucking aliens," Becky rolls her eyes as I walk over to her.

"I'm serious, the first time I saw Sam he didn't have a nose. There was this huge head, little body and no nose. Everyone thought it was so cute but it was just.....funny to me. I made jokes about our alien baby and Heidi got mad."

"You're such an asshole."

"I'm just being honest. You'll see when we look at this little alien," I say as I put my hand on Becky's stomach.

"Don't call my child an alien," She says as she shifts on the table she's laying on. Are those called tables? What are those things in doctors offices?

"Your child? I didn't know you were the virgin Mary reincarnated. I could have sworn my dick took part in making this child."

"It did. A very, very small part," Becky says and I chuckle.

"Funny. Well it was only small because the opening was so big. Ever heard of the expression, throwing a hotdog down a hallway?" I say with a smirk.

"I fucking hate you," Becky says causing us both to chuckle lightly.

"You started it."

"Yeah yeah," Becky waves her hand at me and I rub her stomach.

"So are you ready to see our little person?" I ask her.

"Yeah. I'm kind of nervous though."

"Why is that?"

"Not scared nervous but excited nervous. Last time I just heard the heartbeat now I actually get to see something."

"Yeah. She's probably as big as my hand by now or maybe smaller. I don't know."

"He probably isn't that big.....but then again, I don't know how fast babies grow."

"Are we going to do this he/she thing the entire pregnancy?" I ask and Becky shakes her head.

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