Chapter 21

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Becky came over yesterday to just hang out. Since they don't know she use to be my maid, I can just have her over and they'll think nothing of it. Lucky me. Heng is still trying and it's pretty funny. I didn't know he was so cheesy but some girls like that romantic bullshit. Heidi came back today though so of course Becky can't come back over. I told them not to mention Becky because Heidi doesn't like her, I knew that would probably make my grandmother say something but I made her promise not to.

I'm starting to feel like this is all pointless, staying with Heidi I mean. I feel that regardless of our current standing in our relationship, Heidi is by law my wife and that is my child meaning l am obligated to be there for her. Yes, I have another woman pregnant but I take care of Becky just as well as Heidi. I want to be with Becky but the stress a divorce could put on Heidi wouldn't be healthy for my child in these early stages. I would rather ease her into it than just drop it on her because there's no telling how she'll react. It would just be easier if she weren't pregnant...

Ugh. I knew once Heidi came home, it would be some bullshit. All she's been doing since she got here is complain to me about my family. When I got her from the airport and told her my family was there, that was the beginning of the complaints. I knew it wouldn't be ending anytime soon but I was so glad when I could get the fuck out of that car with her. I don't know where the fuck she went but I'm fucking glad she got the hell away from me. I go straight to the kitchen and see Heng in the refrigerator in his boxers.

"Morning sis," He says as he pulls out the orange juice.

"Fuck this morning," I say and he furrows his eyebrows at me as he gets a glass.

"She pissed you off already?" I nod my head and he sighs.

"We should's go to your studio. We can just play around with different sounds and it might calm you," He says and I shrug. Anything is better than nothing at this point. I would usually use Sam but little man is out with my grandma doing something, I'm not even sure. As we leave the kitchen my mother walks in and greets us. She's getting ready to cook, I just know it.

I grew up with music in my life, my mom sings and my dad plays I don't know how many instruments. He taught Heng and I how to play the guitar. I wanted to learn more and Heng got into sports. He was going to play pro football but injured his knee and it was just never the same.

Becky: What's wrong?

I see the text message as I decend the stairs and shake my head. Becky text me on the way home from the airport. All I did was say hi and she knows somethings wrong.

Me: How do you know something is wrong? I respond.

"So this is the studio?" Heng says as we walk in.


"This place is pretty fucking awesome," Heng says as I sit in my chair by the sound board.

"I guess," He grabs a guitar from behind me and starts to play random notes.

"So what did Heidi do?" He asks.

"Be fucking annoying as hell. She just complained."

"About us?" I nod and he rolls his eyes as he walks to the door of the sound booth and leans against it.

'Here we go. Damn here we go again. Loving you caused me so much pain. But you don't see it, you never see it,' Heng begins to sing.

"Don't sing any more of that. That song does not fit this situation," I say and Heng shrugs.

"I happen to just like the song. I wasn't trying to be ironic," I roll my eyes and  check my phone. One text from Bec.

Becky: You never say hi so what's up?

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