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                "What are you trying to say, Miss Holman? Those are serious accusations that you are throwing around."

One of the lawyers was fast to come to Gordon's aid after Wendy said that. It was a clear move to shake them a bit before they proceeded.

"I didn't accuse anybody. I merely asked if there is anything behind the curtains. Is it there?" She left the question hanging making them get more uncomfortable. "Actually don't answer that. Why am I here?"

They all looked at each other before Kavya took it upon herself to debrief her in front of Gordon and his lawyers.

"There has been a little misunderstanding, and Keisha might have changed Mr. Ramsay's recipe. We are trying to settle the matter out of court, so we have to do some compensation."

"Fine, I'll go through the books and cash them the compensation. Just note me down their account." Wendy was no joke at all.

"It's not like that. And where's your professionalism?" One among the lawyers who was clearly frustrated with what Wendy was showing asked her.

Wendy took a look at the lawyer through that tiny laptop screen, but she was looking at him with piercing eyes.

"Who are you to speak to me like that? I speak with my boss and all orders I take are from her."

"Wendy, I think that's a bit too far. Can we back down for a minute?" Megan said in an attempt of trying to calm her down.

Wendy took note and kept quiet.

"We have communicated our terms with your boss and her lawyer, you'll have to go through them to find out what we have offered as an appropriate settlement considering the disturbance we faced. And we'll have to see your accounts for the last seven days to ensure we are on the same foot, just for the record."

"May I see their terms?" Wendy asked Kavya acting completely ignorant of the whole situation and the drama that unfolded with it.

Wendy read the paper Kavya gave her and she put on a shocked face for the lawyers giving them the false satisfaction of getting what they wanted.

"You must be effing kidding me! Sixty percent of all revenue and taxes, or two million Euros? Do you even know the international law itself on business dealings of multinational partnership?"

"I've never come across an accountant who teaches lawyers how to understand laws."

"I don't have time to waste on teaching you anything! And newsflash, our sales haven't been impacted by the recipes that we serve since we partnered with you. Why am I even telling you all this? Let me just send you our accounts for the last three months and you be the judge of it!"

Wendy went on to the computer and log onto their system to access the accounting details while Kavya, Megan, and Harry started acting frantic.

"Umm Wendy, aren't we supposed to discuss that first?" Harry asked her.

"No, we are not. They are our partners and they are supposed to be let into the information concerning our well-being. I'm astonished they don't know their rights as partners!" Wendy replied.

"Kavya, is it okay? What she is doing?!" Megan asked Kavya who looked flushed.

Kavya took a minute to process what was going on while not forgetting to put a little bit of dramatic touch on the shock and confusion she was showing.

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