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Later that night, Cat Noir knew that Volpina will strike again with her goons dressed in fox-themed costumes. They call themselves the Crimson Paws gang and they always follow Volpina's orders.

Cat Noir landed at their hideout with claws ready, hoping they got stolen money he can steal.

"We got what we want, boss" One of the henchmen emptied the duffle bag with euro bills.

"Excellent," Volpina said while looking down at the money, "The feline will be here for sure. I want him dead and you better not screw this up" She said.

"Yes Mistress" They brought their weapons.

Cat Noir growls quietly while staying in the shadows, signaling Plagg to act naturally. Volpina's henchmen saw Plagg's shadow and assumed it was Cat Noir.

"Halt! Show yourself Cat......Noir?" They were confused seeing Plagg.

"Meow, meow, meow" Plagg meowed.

"Seriously? I hate when there are too many cats in Paris" Volpina groaned in frustration, "Get rid of that beast"

"It's a harmless cat," The henchman said.

"Still get it out of my sight!" Volpina ordered.

Cat Noir jumps down and held Volpina hostage with a dagger on her neck, "You move, you die. Don't test me, Cerise" He hissed.

"Agh! Let go of me!" Volpina gasped.

"Let her go!" The henchmen said.

"If you want her to live, hand me the stolen money. If you refuse, her neck will be sliced!" Cat Noir pressured the dagger into her skin.

"Whatever you say" They stuffed the money.

"Your ass is mine soon, fleabag" Volpina strained.

"Not a chance!" Cat Noir said.

"Here!" The henchmen tossed the sacks of money, "Just get the hell out of here!"

"Thanks, gentlemen" Cat Noir grabs them.

"You morons!" Volpina was pushed roughly by Cat Noir.

"Hasta la vista!" He leaps up to the window.

"GET HIM!!!" Volpina yelled.

As they head outside, they screamed when Cat Noir was standing there with three panthers growling at them.

"Another bad luck when you mess with black cats, boys. My panthers do love a good human snack" Cat Noir smirked, "Now, get them, boys!" He ordered his panthers.

"Fuck!" The henchmen knew they can't outrun these big cats.

"Heh, now I have what I want" Cat Noir smirks.

"You're a psycho!" Volpina tried to kick his crotch but he caught her leg.

"Nice try! I learned to protect them well" Cat Noir said and then threw a punch to her stomach.

"OMPH!!!" Volpina held her stomach in pain.

"A liar who cried fox is what you are" Cat Noir jumps to the rooftop with the money and his cat.

"You're not getting away!" Volpina chased him.

The panther dropped the severed arm and went after the fox.

"When I get my hands on you, I'll claim your lives!" Volpina said as she chased Cat Noir.

"Don't be so sure! Look behind you" Cat Noir said smugly.

Volpina turns and saw one panther after her, "Aaahhh!!! Tell it to stop!" Volpina goes behind Cat Noir.

"Sit!" Cat Noir commanded his panther and it stopped by its command.

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