Chapter 30

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Throwing the family's troubles into the college, Monterey returned home, and when he stepped into the door, he felt that the house was so quiet that he felt comfortable, but he couldn't help rubbing the center of his eyebrows when he thought of the male son who gave him a headache.

Obviously the hero is not such a worm, how could the son who was brought up by the hero turn crooked?

Zerg equal rights have been around for a hundred years, but most males are unwilling to take on the responsibility of raising their cubs. Therefore, most females will gradually leave work and return to their families after being with males to take care of the male master and give birth to cubs.

Monterey feels that he is a very lucky worm. At the best age, he met a male worm who loves him deeply.

Yuan Mian is a very cheerful male. He is as squeamish as the other males and likes to enjoy himself. He is not as vexatious as the other males. He can laugh at everyone and is very talented. The females and subfemale who court him can walk around the ring road in the third district twice in pairs.

Such a perfect male, but fell in love with him who was only a B-rank female at the time.

All the worms felt that he was not worthy of such an excellent and perfect male, even he thought so, but the male worm didn't know where the stubbornness came from, and chased after him.

Later he asked Yuan Mian, and the male worm said with a serious face: I feel like it's you, and I feel comfortable with you.

Then, when he was just promoted to A-level and promoted to major general, he found out that he was pregnant with a worm cub. It was obviously only once, so why did he get pregnant?

At that time, Monterey was in a panic. Eggs, cubs, and males are very precious in the Zerg. Eggs must not be thrown away, otherwise it would be a violation of the law. Females with eggs can only mate with the male father of the egg.

Monterey became the original queen, and a few months later, he gave birth to worm eggs, but his hero did not force him to return to the family. Instead, he supported him to continue working in the military and took on the obligation of hatching eggs and raising cubs.


Thinking about the admiral falling into guilt again, he must be too negligent of the male son as the female father. He really failed. He should throw the male son to the combat department of the Rhodes branch to be beaten a few times, and he might be good.

No, no, Rhode's combat system is all females. Throwing the males into the combat system is like throwing the honey brewed by the bee city into the ant city, which will kill the insects collectively.

Hey, it would be great if Rhodes' combat system had males...

At this moment, the communicator rang, and Monterey collected his thoughts, returned to his usual calm and seriousness, and connected: "What's the matter?"

"Admiral, the insect that was rescued on the way back woke up." The military doctor stood upright, opened a report in his hand, and said, "Also, the test report of this insect came out not long ago, and it showed that he was a male insect. It seems that he had been injected with black market banned drugs a long time ago."

Hearing "black market banned drugs", Monterey frowned slightly. The black market has existed in the Zerg race for a long time, and the things sold there are contraband items that are clearly forbidden to be sold. There are also various dirty transactions, including bugs... The ninth district, which is difficult to govern, is simply the hardest hit area of ​​this dark chain.

A Male Queen Dressed as a Reborn Bug KingWhere stories live. Discover now