Chapter 109

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Ying Yuanxian couldn't express the feeling of being in the worm tomb, all he could express was the unfathomable feeling inside the worm tomb, but it didn't seem like a sense of oppression that made him feel threatened.

The first time he entered the insect tomb was to send the remains of the male father in, so he didn't check the insect tomb too much. After all, for the emperor's lineage, it is equivalent to the existence of the holy place of destination.

His Majesty the Zong Huang never thought that he would have a second chance to enter the Zong Tomb alive.

"Is there really no problem with this?" Ying Yuanxian released his mental power, opened the entrance to the insect tomb, and asked as he looked at the slowly parting sea water.

Ruan Youtian's voice sounded in his mind: "There is absolutely no problem, I am just a cute little sapling now."

After his words fell, the young sapling in the pocket of Ying Yuanxian's military uniform wobbled out two leaves.

Ruan Youtian now puts his consciousness completely in a seed that has just germinated.

Based on the experience of Kiefer who sneaked into the insect tomb and Ying Yuanxian's experience after entering, Ruan Youtian guessed that if the Haizu really slept in the insect tomb, it must be at the lowest level.

In addition to the successive successors of the Emperor Chong's lineage entering the Chong Tomb, only Kiefer, who is highly skilled and courageous, sneaked in. The remains of the royal family that have passed away in the past exist here, and the spiritual power left after their death may become the power to guard the Chong Tomb.

Besides, who would look at what was placed under the grave of their ancestors for no reason.

Ying Yuanxian touched the emerald green leaves of the seedlings, and stepped into the insect tomb.

As the door of the worm tomb was slowly closed, the light in the corridor seemed to disappear, which was nothing to the discerning female worm, so Ying Yuanxian walked forward.

The small sapling in his pocket shook slightly, and Ruan Youtian found that his consciousness had been split in two, as if something had cut him from the consciousness of the main body. This worm tomb should be built with some special materials.

However, his curiosity about the tomb of insects should not be delayed.

"Are you... all right? Is there any discomfort?" Ying Yuanxian felt the leaves of the sapling in his pocket shaking gently.

"It's okay, I'm fine, it's so dark here, Brother Yuan, I'm scared." Ruan Youtian saw that His Majesty the Zonghuang was nervous about him, and couldn't help but want to tease him again.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here. After passing through this passage, it will light up soon." Ying Yuanxian poked the leaves of the young sapling with his finger, softly soothing.

"Well, with my brother here, Tiantian is not afraid."

His elder brother Yuan, why did he fall in love with him so much?

After walking through the long passage, the darkness gradually dissipated, and a faint light came on. They came to a very spacious hall, but the design of this hall is very special.

"This is the tomb of insects?" Ruan Youtian regained his energy, Xiao Yezi wobbled from side to side, as if turning his head to look around.

"It's not here yet, we still have to go down." Ying Yuanxian walked down the stairs.

The sound of footsteps made a soft sound in the quiet tomb. It is so quiet that you can even hear your own heartbeat. The stairs seem to be endless, and you keep going down. Even time seems to be forgotten here.

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