Chapter 59

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The furnishings in the house are all the same as Ruan Youtian remembered when he was a child, except that some of the bugs were packed up and taken away.

Although the house was cleaned very clean, it was completely impossible to live with insects, which was a pity.

Ruan Youtian glanced at the female father, and found that Monterey's expression was not as cold as before, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

"Is the female father very happy today?"

Monterey didn't hide anything, and nodded: "I dreamed about your male father last night, and he... even gave me spiritual comfort. I don't know if it's my illusion, but today I feel very peaceful in the spiritual world."

And last night's dream was not the same as his previous ones, he would often dream of Yuan Mian before, but many of them happened when they were together before, in yesterday's dream Yuan Mian would still kiss and hug him.

When he woke up this morning, the channel of mental power was open, and the abnormality in his body made his whole body almost burn up. It's too embarrassing.

Ruan Youtian listened to Monterey's words, he didn't say that Yuan Guan's remnant spirit went to him last night, so that Monterey felt that he was dreaming.

However, he really envied the bond between the male father and the female father.

Monterey is very normal among the Zerg females. What is abnormal is his male father. Among the arrogant, soft and arrogant males, Yuan Crown is really strange. If his thinking is normal in the human world, he is unique in the Zerg.

"Female father, male father didn't have any accidents when he was young, he was injured, his temperament changed due to illness or something?"

Monterey was stunned for a moment when he heard Xiongzi's inexplicable words, but he still thought about it seriously, and said, "As far as I know, no, he has been like that since he was a child, why did he ask such a strange question?"

"No, I was just thinking wildly."

Then, Ruan Youtian was touched on the head by the female father, this is to let him stop thinking about it.

The father and son stayed at home until the afternoon, and Monterey sent Ruan Youtian back to the palace. Seeing his little male worm pounce into His Majesty's arms, he felt a little sour.

If the little male cub grew up beside him, even if he was with His Majesty the Emperor of the Insects, it would definitely be after the mature stage, and now he is only in the adult stage!

"Father, brother Yuan is pregnant, and he will lay eggs in a few months. When you are free, come to live in the palace for a while." Ruan Youtian pulled the worm emperor to the father. He has only been back in this world for a few months, and he is not familiar with how to take care of the female after laying eggs. Monterey is his father, so he must be very familiar with this aspect.

When the baby egg comes out, Ruan Youtian will take care of the confinement child for Ying Yuanxian, and if you don't understand, you can ask the female father!

Monterey was shocked: "You... have only been together for a few months, and your Majesty has... an egg baby." He was full of reluctance just now to let his little male be married to another female, but now that he knows that the king of insects has eggs, his reluctance disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Should he praise His Majesty the Emperor of Worms, or should he praise his own son?

"Well, there are still two."

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