Chapter Three - Pain

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Chapter 3. Pain.

I look around at the bleak walls of my new room. Nothing in it but a bed and a wardrobe and desk. More than what I ever got in a room. I sigh heavily. I empty my bag out on my bed. My Ipod. My clothes. My two pairs of shoes. My make up. My CDs. My portable CD/DVD player. My posters. My phone. My phone charger. My laptop and laptop charger. All thanks to Mary Anne, Another care worker, who brought me to town yesterday. I open the hidden pocket in my bag with my 4 thousand pounds in it. The last of the money from my 5 brothers and 5 sisters that have all died when mama and da died.

And my special music sheets. I start putting everything away. Afterwards I think the room looks half decent. Maybe some paint, a nice rug and some nice bed sheets. I'll go mad. hen there's a knock at the door. I open it slowly.

"Hello" says a small blonde girl with a dark haired girl.

"I'm Tee and this is Carmen, we were wondering if you wanted some company?"

I just look at them. They look about 11 and 10. They can't hurt me. But then again...

"Sure" I say smiling and opening my door wider. They smile and walk in carefully examining me and the room at the same time.

"This used to be Tracy's room"


"Tracy, our care worker"

"Didn't know she was an ex care kid"

"Yeah...What bands this?" asks Carmen picking up one of my CDs. The Black Parade on the front of it.

"My Chemical Romance."

"Who are they?" Asks Tee picking up my family photo.

Me, Roxie, Connor, Sam, Rosy, Megan, Darren, Ma, Da, Anne, Marlinn, Naddie and Jason. They never had a chance to live a happy life. Nethier did I. I can't say the same for Jason though. Jason was never in the attic. Jason moved out before she could get him. He'd be 25 now. He properly had a happy and normal life. He didn't spend the first 4 years of his life in an attic. He's dead to me now. Just like the rest. Even though I never meet him. I hardly remember any of them but Roxie and Connor.

I just stare at the photo. Numbing the pain in my chest.

"My family, there all dead now"

"Oh, sorry"

I shrug trying not to show the pain in my chest.

"You get over it"

So not true!

"My parents are dead too" says Tee looking down at her feet. I'd like to say I'm sorry but I didn't know them.

"Too bad..." I say awkwardly unsure of what to say next.

She looks at me with sad eyes but with a bitter tone in he voice says:

"You don't have to be so mean you know"

"I wasn't trying to be"

What the hell? She just feckin attacks me! Just because I didn't say sorry.

"Look just because I never knew your parents shouldn't mean I have to say sorry! You never knew mine! I never even got to meet mine!"

I grit my teeth. I'm usually good at control my temper.

But I can feel tears in my eyes.

"Look just get out!" I scream before they can say anything else.

They run out. I slam the door behind them. My chest feeling heavy and I can breath. Anger and hurt filling my body. I can't help the tears that keep on falling.

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