Chapter Four - Best Of You

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Chapter 4. Best of you.

Fixing my make up someone knocks at my bedroom door.

"Willow? You okay?"

"Yeah why?"

"Well, Tee and Carmen said that you were upset"

"Well I'm fine now!"

"Okay, dinner's ready by the way"

I sigh. Time to meet the rest of the kids.

"On my way"

I open the door and see Tracy standing there smiling softly.

"I know it's hard, I was here once you know"

"Yeah Tee and Carmen said you lived here, in this room" I gesture to the room that was now mine.

"Yeah... You'll like it here though, the kids here bring out the best in you"

I raise my eyes finding that hard to believe. How could they bring out the best of me when don't know what the best of me is? I follow Tracy as she walks down the hallway and down the stairs. The sound of laughter and happiness wonder from the kitchen. I'm almost afraid to go in and ruin the moment. I hesitate a minute, standing there holding my breath.

"Willow? Are you okay?"

"It's just there all so happy..." I trail off not meaning to say it aload.

Tracy smiles.

"They are, there excited to meet you"

"Well I'm less then excited to meet them" I mutter as Tracy starts toward the kitchen.

I sigh and walk in to the big bright kitchen. The room goes silent as I enter. I keep calm and look like I don't care but inside I'm scared. Scared of all the things they could be thinking about me. Thinking about how to lure me into a trap. Like last time in Burnywood where they found out about my past and locked me in the attic. I had a panic attack and passed out. I always hated attics because they bring too many bad memories. While I'm thinking of the attic my heart aches. I sit between Liam, the guy from ealier and another guy wearing a Man United jersey.

"Alri' new girl? Settling in alright?"

"It's ok"

A large women covered in bright coloured clothes walks towards me.

"Hello Willow, My name's Gina, Your hungry yeah?"

I nod at Gina as she places a plate in front of me. It's pasta. The room goes abit quiet then as we all start eating.

"So new girl, How'd you end up here?"

I glare up at the smiling vixen of a girl with blue highlights.

"It's none of your business"

"We have to go on my tour at 3:40. It's 2.32 now" says a boy with a note pad and dark curly hair.

"Willow, this is Johnny my brother" Tee says patting a boy beside her.

Johnny glares at me, I glare back annoyed that he's glaring at me.

"You got a problem then?" I ask letting my anger fill my calm voice.

"Yeah you, bullying my sister"

I roll my eyes but he reminds me so much of my twin brother Sam that I nearly crack and cry in front of them. I keep eating and let Tee introduced me to everyone. Frank with Crebral Palsy. Elektra with the blue highlights. Gus with the notebook. Harry with the giraffe. Sapphire with Harry. Lilly with Carmen. I nod as Lilly tells me about her rest by care not really caring.

Gus writes everything down. I look at him raising one eyebrow.

"Gus writes everything in his notebook" Tracy explains.

"Oh right"

"Willow why are you here?" Asks Gus suddenly looking at me with his eyebrows burying deep into his forehead.

"Like I said none of your business"

"But I have to know"

Standing up and slamming my hands on the table I scream "No you don't! Trust me kid take it from someone who's lived it! My past would give you nightmares that you can't even think about!"

I storm out of the room and up to my room. All I can think about is Johnny reminding me of Sam being protective of me. And Gus annoying me about my past. Nobody should know. They'll think I'm a freak or a mental patient. Slamming my bedroom door Mike knocks on it.

"Willow? Willow?"

"Leave me alone!"


I turn on my CD player and play Hollywood Undead at full volume.

Been To Hell plays, I mutter the lyrics trying to calm down.

Memories of Sam filling my minds. His small bony body. His hollow eyes. His pale blonde hair. Which was strange because I had dark hair. We had the same electric blue eyes. Our hair both curly.

I remember the night he died. We were only 3 both we both understood what was happening. He told me he knew he was dying.

Flashback to an old dirty attic. It's night time and the pale moon shines through the window with the bars fully locking the children in. The smell is foul. There's 3 bodies in the Connor. There's a young girl crying beside them along with 4 others. They all look so weak and fragile.

"Willow, I'm next ya know"

"Next for what?"

"To die"

"You won't die Sammy! I won't let you, Roxie won't either!"

"I know I am Will, I'm sorry Will"

"What ya sorry for?"

"For dying"

"Your not dying Sam"

"I am, I can't help it, I'm just so tired..."

His eyes closing, his lips already turning blue.

"Sam?" Calls small little Willow. Her eyes already filling with tears.

"No! No Sam come back! Sammy come back!" She screams crying beside her brother.

"Will?... Oh god!" Screams Roxie as she see's her and Sam in the Connor.

"Sammy!" Willow still screams.

"Connor?" Calls Roxie weakly to her older brother.

Connor walks over and feels Sam's pulse. He shakes his head and wipes his eyes. Roxie pulls Willow to her and wraps her arms around her trying to comfort her.

End of flashback.

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