Chapter 9 - Been To Hell

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Chapter 9 Been to Hell.

"Ready?" Mike asks me as I walk down the stairs in the dark uniform. I sigh and nod. School. Funny how one word makes my stomach turn. We all pile into the mini van. I manage to sit beside Electra and Tee. Tee talking excitedly about all the amazing things at school. I can hardly bother to care but I listen anyway and nod in the right places. Mike drops Harry, Gus, Tee, Carmen off at a small building with other children younger than me piling in the gates.

Mike drives for another ten minutes when we reach a big dull locking building with iron gates surrounding it. I frown at it. I've been to hell before but this looked worse.

"Here we are" Mike sings.

The rest of us get out quickily and start toward the school. Electra and Sapphire go off with a group of their friends while I'm left with Liam and Frank.

I look around at all the people suddenly staring at me. I bite my lip, nervously knowing there talking about me.

"You'll be alri' Willow" says Frank smiling at me with a soft expression on his face. Like someone trying to hide their sadness with a smile.

I nod but look nervously at the building.

"Better bring ya to the 'ead's office" Liam says looking over at a group of girls giggling are way.

He gently pushes my back and I move forward. I gulp but walk in to the school. Shaking at what might happen. Liam and Frank lead me to the office. There's plastic chairs outside it. A girl with ruby red short hair sits in one. She's about my age and listening to something on her ipod. The bell rings.

"Oh no! Were late, think you can do this on your own?"

I nod and sit down beside the girl. She looks up from her Ipod and smiles. Then back to her Ipod. Liam and Frank run down the corridor to their first class.

"Your new too?" The girl asks with a light Irish accent.

"Yeah, you?"

"Yeah, Scarlett O'Connor" she sticks out her hand for me to shake.

I take it shyly feeling a little reliefed that someone other than me is new here.

"Willow Carroll"

"Well Willow, us newbies got to stick together" she smiles at toothy grin at me and slaps her legs happily.

"I'm from Ireland, you look like your not from around here"

"No.. Born in Ireland, brought up in England"

"Oh I just moved with my Ma"

I nod feeling alittle frightened of her sunny mood. Finally after twenty minutes of Scarlett talking about her cats Smudge and Fudge the princable Mr Farrell steps out of his office. He looks to be about his forties with a bald head. He's a well built man dressed in a suit.

"Ladies, I see you two have already met" he smiles.

It's a friendly smile. He gestures to his office and we walk in silently. we sit in the plastic chairs infront of his desk. He sits behind the desk and rests his hands infront of him on the desk.

"Welcome ladies to our school, we are happy to have you as pupils here"

Scarlett smiles and starts fiddeling with her fingers. I smile shyly. He looks like a friendly man. Someone who wouldn't hurt me or do anything bad to me.

"You'll both be in the same year, your both from the same care homes?"

I look at Scarlett blushing red.

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