Chapter Seven - Next Morning

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Chapter 7 Next Morning

"Willow!" Yells a voice so load I feel the vibrations in my bed.

"Holy sweet mother of devine!" I scream from shock and fear at the load voice calling my name.

Someone knocks on my door.


"Breakfast" answers a timid voice.

"I'll be down in a minute"

Quickly I dress in black jeans, pink off the shoulder top with "Say It Out Load" written in black captail letters and black converse with pink laces. Tying my hair in a messy ponytail that reaches my shoulders. My fringe sweeped to the side. My 6 peircings in my right ear, glittering in the morning sun as it hits my mirror from a silever of my curtains threw my window. Walking out I see Johnny walking out of his room. He see's me. His eyes go wide and sad. He looks like he wants to say something to me. I ingore him and walk down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Morning Willow" says Tracy as I walk in and sit between Liam and Tee.

"Willow, you've a hole in your top" Tee says looking down at the side of my top.

"Ahh here!" I exclaim sticking my finger threw it. "I can't sow this, gunna have to throw it out, and it's my favourite top"

"I can sow" Tee turns abit pink.

"Could ya help me?"

"Sure" her faces brightens.

I take a bite out of my toast when Electra walks in. She glares at me with pure hate. I look down, ready to run out when she'll start to tell my story.

"Morning" she says and sits infront of me. She doesn't say anything else. There's a few muffled mornings as everyone eats. Finishing my toast and tea I catch Johnny and Electra both staring at me. I have to ask Liam what he did to then when he said he'd 'sort something out' Taking out my blackberry and start typing a message.

"My room 5 mins"

I kick him lightly from under the table. He looks at me frowning. I hand him my blackberry. He scans it quickly and hands it back to me under the table. I get up and thank Gina for the breakfast and hurry to my room. I start to unpack everything from last night. I'm finished when someone knocks on the door.

"Who is it?"

You can never be to careful.

"Who'd you think"

I open the door. He smiles cheekily at me again.

"Come in"

He comes in and stares at all my posters on the walls, toutching some.

"Hollywood Undead?"

"A band, look them up when you get a chance" I shrug and sit on my bed.

He contiunes to read all my posters, shoving his hands deep into his jeans pockets.

"What did you do to Johnny and Electra?"

"Sorted it" he shrugs.

"What do you mean sorted it?"

"I told them If they said anything about anything then they'll have to tell us how they know, then they'll have to tell them how they sneaked into the office and read your file. Mike will find out and they'll get into trouble"

He smiles cheekily again.

I nod thinking it through.

"How much did you hear?" I wonder seeing if he knows anything.

"I heard enough"

"You know why I'm here?"

"You ran away from your last care home"

"You know why I'm in care?"

"Abit, Electra didn't tell Johnny much, said it'll give him nightmares"

"What did you find out?" Worried now that he knows.

He sits beside me on the bed looking at his feet.

"I only know why you ended up at the police station, why do you hide your past?"

"It's not really hidden anymore if Electra knows it"

"She won't tell, she wouldn't stoop to that level"

I raise my eyebrows at him. Really? That sounds like just the thing she would do.

"Trust me, she won't get a chance"

I nod while fiddling with the hole in my top.

"You should get Tee to help you with that"

"Yeah, she said she would"

"Why are you keeping your past a secert Willow? It couldn't be that bad"

"It is that bad, stay out of it!" I snap standing up infront of him and poking him in the chest.

"Oi, just tryin' to 'elp a friend"

I sigh. A friend. I'd never really had one of them. I'm too busy ethier pushing them away or afraid of what they'll think or do to me.

"Never mind, it's not... Important"

"It must be if you want it kept a secert"

I sit down again, trying to ingore the question.

"You know you can tell me, I won't tell"

"But how do I know that? How can I trust you? I've only been here a day! I hardly know you!"

He frowns angerily before storming out of the room. I sigh realising that I ruined the one chance I might get at having a friend in this place.

Willow (A Tracy Beaker Returns Fanfiction) (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora