Jk - Camping Vlog

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Jk Camping Vlog

Tae Pov.

Today is the day where Jk film his Vlog. We decided that I will come along with him same what we did on my drive vlog. He will spend one night there so I need to come with him.

"Voo, I'll go down first, just follow us," he said as he slung the bag over his shoulder.

"Okay baby, be careful while driving," I told him and kissed him on the lips.

"Noted boss, I love you," he said and hugged me so I also hugged him tightly.

"I love you more baby, go ahead," I said and he let go of the hug and left.We are not in the same car. Pendoy and Whitey and I will just follow them. HE was with two staff in the car.

We were just following their car when a staff messaged me to stop because JK was hungry and was going to buy food. I just laughed, my baby is really strong enough to eat anything.

Whitey parked right next to Jk's car. I can't see inside because the window is tinted.

Jk got out of the car and knocked on the window next to me.

"Voo, I'm going to buy something to eat, what do you want?" he asked me.

"It's up to you baby, you know what I want to eat," I smiled mischievously at him while raising my eyebrows.

"Naughty Bear," he said and laughed too.

Whitey went with him to buy food. When he came back, he passed by me again to tell me to finish what he bought. This is one of the reasons why I love JK so much. He was very caring and always made sure I ate at the right time. He doesn't want me to be hungry.

We traveled again. And the weather turned cloudy and it started to rain. Jk called me.

"Voo, it's raining,"

"That's okay baby, there is a camp van, and that will stop."

"I hope so. But did you finish the food I bought,"

"Whitey and Pendoy ate it, they just left a little for me," I said seriously. But the two who were next to me were making noise and complaining. So I laughed. Jk on the other line also laughed.

We are here where we rented a Camper Van. I got out of the car to look at the Vans as well. I was wearing a black hoodie and a mask so I wouldn't be too recognizable. We took two Camp Vans. One of the staff and one of us Jk.

We traveled again to our destination. We chose to camp next to the sea. When we arrived at the Campsite, I approached Jk and hugged him from the back. I rested my chin on his shoulder. And he held my hands that were on his waist. While we both looked at the sea.

No one spoke to either of us. We are just enjoying the quiet place and fresh air from the sea.

After the long silence I put my arm around Jk.

"This is what we want baby right?, the one far from reality. It's just the two of us and we can do what we want,"

"This is peace Voo," he said hugging me around the waist. We spent a few minutes in that position before starting to shoot Jk's vlog. I was just behind the camera while Jk fixed the Camp Van shield.

I didn't go with them when they went to the grocery store to buy something to cook for dinner.

I'm just sitting here outside the campervan looking at the sea and waiting for Jk to come back. This feels really good. That you are far from noisy cars. In front of the camera and under stress.

When Jk arrived, he immediately lit a bonfire because it was starting to get cold because it was foggy. I was in the next campvan when Jk came to see me.

"Voo, I'm going to cook pork. Let's eat first," he said and sat down next to me lying down.

"Alright baby, I'll be follow. They'll record you while cooking, right?"

"Yes Voo,"

"Okay, I'll just go out quietly," I said and kissed him on the lips.

"Okay, follow me," he said and got out of the campervan. I lay down for a while before I went out. I quietly walked closer to Jk. I almost screamed when he got burned while cooking. Fortunately, I was able to hold back.

I was a bit far from JK while he was eating and a staff was in front of him. Every time Jk stood up to give me food, the editor cut it off.

Jk went live on weverse at night. We had a little drink together that's why Jk on his Wlive is a little bit tipsy. I was just in front of him. I just watched him silently. I was laughing because he was shy while I was looking at him.

When he mentioned how handsome I was and he explained a lot, I was embarrassed by his compliment.

But I couldn't really stop and I was able to speak. I don't know if the army heard that on Live. So JK looked at me and smiled. After Jk's live, I gave him the aurora powder to put in the fire. We did this when we shot the wooga squad's friendcation.

After recording Jk playing Yoga fire, we both sat in front of the Bonfire. The staff with us are already in the campervan. It's just the two of us out here.

Jk's head lay on my shoulder while I held his hand.

"Woo, it's tiring to hide, isn't it? I can't shout to the whole world how much I love you," he said

"Baby, the time will come when we are free to let each other feel our love. The important thing is that we are happy," I said.

We sat in front of the bonfire for a few minutes before deciding to go to bed. Jk brought his backpack and recorded that he was going to sleep. We will sleep in the other Campervan so he brought his back pack.

The next morning, I left with Pendoy to buy our breakfast. I just bought a sandwich. When we arrived, I handed JK the sandwich quietly. My husband ate really hard.

After eating we went to the beach. JK's fun while facing the sea. I was just behind the cameraman and smiling while looking at my baby.

I laughed when he took a long stick to use to write in the sand. So I took the small branch of the tree and handed it to him.

He actually wrote "BTS🩶ARMY forever" in the sand. And it was recorded. After the rerecording, JK said goodbye to finish the Vlog.

I took the Stick and also wrote "JK🩶 V forever" in the sand. He came closer to me ang wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Jk and V forever," he read what's written on the sand while smiling. We took photo together for us to keep. We have a lot of private photos and Jk GCF everytime we travel. I hope someday we can share it to the armys.

"Forever baby,"

"I love you forever Voo,"

"But I love you eternally," and we sealed it with a kiss in front of the sea.

The staff ride in one car. And JK and I ride in the other car. We are heading home now. No camera at all, so we can do and we can talk whatever we want.

"Baby, did you enjoy?" I asked him while his driving.

"Ofcourse Voo, I enjoy because I'm with you," he said while smiling. His eyes can tell everything that his happy.

"We will do this next time baby," i suggest

"Ofcourse Voo, if we have time we will camp again. Just the two of us," he said and held my hand ang kiss it.

"I love you baby,"

"I love you more Voo,"

Everthing goes well. And we enjoyed and make another memories together.


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