Just Got Married

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Tae POv.

It's been a month that Jk and I got married. We are still in honey stage, We know that our marriage is rush but what can we do? We love each other, even though we have faced the trials last year in our relationship. Still, we can't leave each other.

There are things has changed in both of us. We became matured, but I'm the one who changed a lot. The naughty Tae and energetic Tae is gone. I distanced myself to everyone. I become quite and I don't talk to much. Jk and I are very okay, but sometimes I can't help myself thinking of negative thought. You can't blame me. I once hurt by the person I loved the most.

Today, We are going to attend Golden Disc Award 2020. I'm just a little tired because I spent the whole night with JK.  Of course we just got married and as I said we are still in the honeymoon stage.

We are in the backstage in our dressing room. I sit in the corner of the room alone when Jk sit beside me.

"Voo, are you okay? You seem that you're not in the mood," he said worried.

"I'm just tired baby, you made me tired last night," I whispered in his ear and he laughed.

"You are the one who made me tired last night Voo, you naught bear, " he said and we laugh silently.

We are laughing when one of the staff approached us.

"Can I talk to you?" Noona asked. And we just nod.

"Hmm, we have a favor for both of you. We know that you are a couple, but please don't be too obvious in front of the camera? We are just worried about you two, as much as possible, we want to protect you. I hope you understand," Noona said with concern.

"Don't worry Noona, we can handle everything," Jk answered and smiled.

"Okey, I'm just concerned" Noona said

"Thank you Noona," Jk said. Noona just smiled at us and walk away.

Jk Pov.

The award show will start now and we are preparing to go out on stage. I don't want to leave Voo side. As much as possible I will stand beside him.

When we are going on the stage we meet  Pengsoo the famous penguin in South Korea. I can see in the eyes of Voo that he's happy to see Pengsoo. He's such a baby, he even hug him before we go to our designated seats. I walk first and he left behind me, I wait for him so that we cam walks together. Am I too obvious? That I'm waiting for Voo? I hope no one noticed that.

I sit first and Voo sit beside me. He's turning his back to me and face in the MC who's talking. He's back in he's poker face right now. The duality of Voo that give misunderstanding to everyone.

I can't just sit here doing nothing. We just married and this is my chance to tell the world that this man i front of me is already mine.

I secretly touched him and when he looks at me, I motioned him to lean on me. Without a word he leaned on me. I wrap my arms around him. I got teary eyes because finally I became braver than before. I think the trials that we have been through this past year makes me braver.

While hugging him in front of millions of people makes my self proud, I don't care we I be scolded because of my action. This moment with Voo makes me happy. All I can say is, I want to protect my man at all cost. I want to protect Voo to the thing that makes him hurt. Voo is comfortably leaning on me. No need to say a word, our actions says it all.

We stayed in that position for how many minutes before we called out to change, because we are going to perform. In the backstage, Voo and I meet Pengsoo, we are like a kid seeing that penguin mascot. Now I can see again the smile of Voo.

Tae Pov.

When I leaned to JK in front of a million people, I feel proud. I don't know where I put my happiness. I got teary eyes because we become bolder in public. I keep my poker face while we are in public, that's what I always do. But deep inside I want to express my feelings on how happy I am.

After we changed our clothes. We are waiting for for our time to perform. Jk is beside me wrapping his arms in my shoulder and he whispered.

"I love you Voo, " he said and I look at him and he has a teary eyes while smiling so I smiled back.

"I love you more baby," I also whispered to him.

We perform 'Boy With Love' we are more sweet in the stage. We exchange the I love you sign while performing. After we perform it's time to announced the winner and we got the Physical Daesang in GDA 2020.

As we walk up to receive the award. I simply asked Jk to wrap his hand in my arm. And without hesitation he grabs my arms and we walk proudly that this man is Mine. We don't know where to put the happiness we feel right now.

As we go back to our seats, I can't leave my eyes on JK. I was thinking that this man is so precious to me. This man I want to live forever. Every time he smiled at me my heart fluttered.

Being with Jk makes me think why I am here as an idol. Everything happened to me has a reason. From the unexpected audition, I had way back 2011. I meet Jk in an unexpected situation. But here I am claiming him as my man in front of millions people.


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