Chapter 16~Jaylin~

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                                                            Artist: Jason Walker

Today was it! I had to make sure I looked my best. This morning, I woke up at 5:30 wanting to get ready to meet Silya. Madeline came at 6:00 and helped me get bathed and dressed. To my surprise, she was super quite. She didn't call me "Young Master" like she always did. She didn't call me Jaylin either, although it was normal for her not to. She moved around me like a high efficient robot, only doing what it was programed to do.

"Guess, what, Madeline?" I said as cheerfully as I could to lighten up the mood.

She raised and eyebrow, but didn't say anything back.

"I became friends with Frica! She was the one that helped me get the chance to see Silya today! Isn't that great? She's not a bad person after all."

She grabbed my pants and threw it at my face. At first, I was sure that she only did that as a way to give it to me. Then she threw my shirt at my face. What was up with that?

"Sorry, I thought you should get dressed by yourself now. The Headmaster said that I should let you try new things." I managed to support my back against the wall.  Madeline waked over to my crutches and placed them down in front of me. "You should continue to try to walk. I'm sure Miss Emerson will be happy to see that you are still improving."

"Wait, Madeline. Why are you acting this way?" I bent down and placed a crutch in my left hand.

"Garrett will be momentarily to finish helping you." She started walking out of the door before I stopped her from walking out the door.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset."

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to." Then she walked out the door and closed it gently.

I decided to keep trying to get ready. My stomach started turning upside down, making me feel all twisted inside. Girls are confusing at times. But, I couldn't help but feel like I had stepped on a grenade. I paced back and forth around the room with my one crutch. I felt my hands shake slightly. Then I started to feel my face get hotter. Surely, I was thinking way too much about this. When did I care what women thought? The only women that had ever been in my life was Madeline before Silya showed up, so I guess I never had the experience with women or girls being angry with me. I needed to find a way to apologize, even though I was confused about the reason why I should. I just had a feeling that it was part of being a man.

"Young Master?" Garrett's head popped in from behind the door. At least he seemed like normal.

I nodded slowly to him, assuring him into the room. "Please help me do my tie." I looked at him hopelessly.

Garrett walked into the room swiftly. He kneels down and looks me in the eye. "Is Madeline alright? She seemed a little troubled when I passed by her on the way over here." He pauses a second to straighten my collar, "You don't  look well either, Young Master."

"I don't understand Madeline. She acted differently than she usually does with me. I never knew a women could act that way." I lifted my neck as Garrett finished straightening my tie.

"Women are creatures of mystery." He laughs quietly, "but, that makes it all the more fun and interesting." I could see the grey hairs receding form his scalp. His wisdom must have come with his age.

"Is that why you like Madeline...because she's fun?"

Garrett finishes doing my tie and slowly stands back up, his eyes looking at me with surprise in them. "How did you know?"

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