Chapter 27~ Behind His Lies, Holds the Truth of a Father~

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"What do you want, Luke? If you set goals in your life, you will have something to look forward to my son."

Luke looks at his father and smiles. He already had a big house with plenty of room to play. What more did he need? "I don't need anything more, Dad. I have you and mom with me always.

Luke, being a young child with good fortune always saw the world as a bright place. He was considered to be one of the brightest and smartest kids in his grade and took lessons in karate, French, violin and was even good with writing. His mother and father were both famous in the acting world, so as a kid, he was told that he could be anything he dreamed of. He could have any woman that he wanted if he worked hard at loving someone.

Luke always liked running around in the front of the house, playing ball with his dog, Max. He taught the dog many tricks because he knew one day that puppy would become his best friend if he treated it with love and care. Despite many of the positives that came from having famous parents, there were also bad sides.

While he was happy with his life, Luke never felt satisfy with the luxurious life that had seemed to be given to him. Why was he here with this family? Did the girls at his school really like him because of his personality or was it because of the amount of money his parents had?

This question stayed stuck in his head for many years. What did he want to do with his life? Where would he end up when he was twenty years old? I want to be just like my parents.

He was a good student, always doing well on tests and his classmates liked him a lot because he always had an honest side to him. Luke knew how to make everyone laugh and many girls were attracted to him. Not only did he have a good personality, he was also good looking. His grey eyes looked mysterious while his blond hair looked as golden as the sun.

Luke's father and mother were always off shooting movies, so the time that Luke could get with his parents were a treasure.

Being raised an environment like this, anyone would consider this kid to be lucky. He appeared to be a child with so much potential. So why was he always feeling alone, now that he was a father with his own son. One answer seemed clear to him: the woman that he used to loved had left him with nothing more than a goodbye.

Reflecting on this, the Headmaster knew that he had made another grave mistake. He had managed to make t all the way to Japan to finally see Jaylin after sending him away to Japan now, so why did he act the way he did?

"Headmaster, we have spotted Jaylin getting ready for school. He appears to be doing well, but looks like he is tired." A maid that Luke had hired to accompany him on his trip to Japan set down a cup of tea.

"Thank you, Katy." Luke took a sip of the green tea and let its warmth take over because it soothed him.

"Will there be anything else that you need at his moment, Headmaster?" Katy, looks at him, staring at his slender shoulders as he continued to peer out the window.

"No, this shall do for now. You are dismissed." Luke heard the sound of her heels click as she walked down the hallway.

What good is it to have a big house if all that is living in it is myself?

What do you want, Luke? He shivered slightly at the memory of the sound of his father's voice in the back of his mind.

"I want to be like you and Mom,' he said as he held the rim of the tea cup to his mouth, "but even when I set out my goals, nothing seems to go as planned.

The Headmaster had gotten used to silence more than he had ever wanted. It reminded him of his childhood days he spent alone playing with his toys alone in a big house. With so many rooms, there could be so much noise to get rid of this loneness that he felt.

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