Chapter 26~Jaylin~

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Hello everyone! A new chapter is finally up! I just want to say thank you for the people who have recently just started reading this novel! I am so glad that this book continues to be a good read for many new fans! I am delighted to see the comments a few of you have written. Anyways on this chapter, it is rather darker than the other chapters, but I think a lot of confusion will be answered with this one! It was scary to write this part because it certainly twisted. Some people are more twisted than others in life. 

In the future, I was thinking of posting up some drawings of every character that has been written in first person view. This includes Madeline and Garrett. I am not the best artist by any means, but have always enjoyed drawing. I don't usually draw my people with necks, but so far, these pictures look alright with necks instead of looking like a giraffe, hahahaha!

See you all later on and as always, feel free to comment, favorite  and read! I think this is the best chapter so far!



The school bell rang for the first part of the day. My teacher, Takahiro-sensi walks into the classroom and all my classmates and I stood up and bowed. We listened to him talk for a few more seconds before being asked to take a seat again.

My peers were just very ordinary people. We all wore the same exact uniform which made it harder for me to tell anyone apart. Being here for a year so far was interesting. I never went to school before, so this feeling of...boredom must have been normal. Was it normal to have a break from class and eat lunch in the classroom if we wanted to? How would people make friends? A year had passed by and I still didn't know a single thing about talking to others. I still get people looking at me, probably because of my blond hair and grey eyes. My classmates always whispered amongst themselves while pointing at me.

Even after two years, I still had felt like the new kid.


The first three classes went by slowly and before I even had time to think about falling asleep, the teacher dismisses us for our lunch break. What did Madeline pack today?

Being in Japan excited Madeline a lot. She had instantly bought me a bento box (lunch box) that she usually fills with rice, fish, eggs, and a side of vegetables. I knew that there was a cafeteria downstairs, but I never liked going down there. The one time I did go there, I got mauled by teenagers with rumbling stomachs. They were like bulls, fighting over the last drop of water in a desert. They pushed and shoved each other, loading their arms with sweet buns and anything else that would satisfy their taste buds. I shiver as I think that to myself once more.

Homemade food is the best!

I zip up my bag and swing it over my shoulder, while walking with one crutch. It was a struggle.

I wish you were here Silya.

The hallways of my school were long and narrow, with small classes lined right next to each other on the right side. We had small square lockers that we could place our belongings in. We were required to wear these black dress up shoes that matched our school uniform during school hours. After school hours, we were able to slip on the shoes we preferred. Even though this school was small, I liked it. I liked seeing the sakura trees (cherry blossoms) that have been starting to come out now since it springtime. The Japanese word for spring is Haru.

Sakura trees only bloom for a short while, fourteen days to be exact. They are a light, blush of pink There is a big tree in the front of our school that students and teaching staff often sit under because it provides a lot of shade. Often times, during my lunch period, I decide to either to rush outside to the tree or to the roof where there is a blanket of white fluffy clouds waiting for me to lay under. I couldn't stand being in the classroom for too long!

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