Chapter 21 ~Silya & Jaylin~ (PT. 2 of 3)

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Happy New Year to my fellow readers! I thought that I would post another chapter for you all. I decided to add both sides to this chapter this time and I have to say, I really am starting to like Ed Sheeran. So this song below has him featured in it and I think that it fits this chapter perfectly.

It has been a honor to be able to continue to write this story and of course, I will be posting more of this story. I've never actually experienced my first kiss before to be honest, but I know what it feels like to truly be in love with someone. 

Jaylin has turned out to be more aggressive than I actually pictured him to be when I first started writing this story! Hope that all of you are enjoying the start of a brand new year. I have a list of resolutions that I read to a friend of mine last year on the New Year of 2015. I still have yet to finish them, hahaha! I am currently enjoying shrimp and other appetizers at the moment as I watch TED for the first time.

Comment and vote! That would make my day! Thank you!



Jaylin was now forever out of my reach. He was going to Japan for the next couple of years. I had never thought of the way we would end our friendship. It was sooner than I ever thought it would be. We didn't get to do the things I had planned out either.

This was because of me.

I played yesterday over and over again in my mind. I really loved the way Jaylin had held me in his arms when I begged him not to go. His warmth electrified my veins and lit me up. His touch, I craved more of it.

His voice continues to whisper in my ear, "I will never let you go, I'll never let you be alone, Silya."

I laid down in my bed and closed my eyes, my ears taking in the sound of the ticking on my alarm clock. Time was something that could never afford to be wasted. From the looks of it, I had less than week to be with Jaylin.

That would never be enough time to tell the things I needed to tell him. I could have listed the things I wanted to thank him for, but in my brain, I knew that it would never be close enough, no matter how much I wanted it to be.

Jaylin...I want to be with you.


"Sit down, Silya." The Headmaster's eyes were watching me as if I were a bug running across the floor. His stare made my legs lock up. It was difficult to move around.

"Yes, sir." I obediently sat down on the seat in front of me. My hands started to shake as I folded them on my lap and tried my best to keep myself calm.

Mr. Hennery chuckled quietly, "You are like a dog, loyal to their master and snappy to their enemies." He walked to his desk, his big hands moving slowly along the edge until he opened the top drawer. He slowly placed a big envelope on the between the two of us. He walked behind to where I was sitting and pulled my chair closer until I was forced to look at him.

"You are a difficult child, one that I mistakenly underestimated at first." His grey eyes, they were just like his son, the person that I loved.

"I apologize, sir." It was the only thing I could manage to say.

"I once put my son to sleep when he disobeyed my orders. I am warning you, girl that I will not hesitate to do the same thing to you or your mother if you continue to defy me. I could end everything that you love with one move..." Slowly he turned his head towards the door, "...and from the looks of it, it doesn't seem like you have much to treasure anyway."

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