Chapter 20~Jaylin (Part 1 of 3)

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My dear readers, I have really been happy that you have continued reading this story of mine because I have really enjoyed writing this for you all so far! This chapter is really short...sorry about that, but don't worry, I will continue this story as soon as I finish my finals for college! As for the story, this is not the end, I promise! This is the part one of three of the first ending of Running on Empty! The next two parts will be told from Silya's and  Jaylin's point of view. I hope you guys continue on reading....Arigato! 😁 See you guys in the next chapter very soon, feel free to  comment or vote for this chapter! 


"I don't want to be here. It's uncomfortable," Silya stands against the wall, her head looking down at the ground. She was still trying to wipe the tears out of her eyes. She looked so beautiful even when she was crying.

"I know, I feel the same way too." I sat down on the couch in the room. Is this what happens after someone finally confesses their feelings? It was so nerve- wrecking.

Both of us stood in the room completely silent. Silya was trying to figure out what to say to me and I was trying so hard not to make her feel nervous in front of me. Her eyes searched frantically around the room, trying to distract herself because she knew that my gaze was on her.

"I never knew that I had a sister all this time, to be honest," I started speaking first, "My father never told me anything about her. I think because she reminds him of my mother. I understand what he's thinking though. I heard that she's away in college in another state though. Madeline told me about her earlier this week."

Silya finally looks over at me and starts walking over. She is seated right next to me; I felt her presence more than I have ever thought I would today. "I'm sorry, I knew about your sister from what your father told me. I thought he would have at least told you that you have a sister."

I shook my head as I looked at my hands, slowly flexing them together. "No, it's OK, I know now. The thing is that I thought my father had always told me the truth because he was the only one that would come to see me besides Madeline and Garrett for so many years. He told me many times that my mother loved me so much, but she was really busy, so she could never come and see me. I never thought he was lying to me...because he's my father no matter what happens." I felt tears start swelling up in my eyes. My father had always been lying me form the start. Why? Didn't he think of me as his son?

Silya was looking at me, probably feeling sympathy for the situation I was put in. But this was alright, I was coping with a lot of things lately. This was all part of experiencing many new things, I had to learn about the joys in this world. There are many times I would have to learn how to cope with pain and sadness.

"If I get to meet her, I'm sure I will like her a lot. She looks like a nice person." She puts her hand on my shoulder in an attempt to make me feel better. "Sometimes, I think parents do something for their own selfish reasons. That's the part that allows them to be humans because everyone is selfish. It's a part of our nature. I met my father a couple of days ago for the first time in many, many...many years. He looked alright. My dad ran away after cheating on my mom a while back. He had been running for a while, not trying to look for my mom and I for a while until one day, he just randomly shows up at my door after so many years. I was really angry, I could have punched him in the face even...but I couldn't. I'm still unsure why I couldn't do that to him. Maybe it was because I was really tired that day, or maybe I was just thinking out into space at that moment. I knew that I could never hate him for what he has done though. It would be pointless to continue to hold a grudge against him because if I didn't I wouldn't be able to move on." Silya was smiling to herself again. It made me feel alright to see that she was doing that again. It had been a while since I had seen a real smile appear on her face.

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