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 Oh, this feels so exciting! I really didn't want to leave poor Frica hanging with her heart broken. This chapter is also written in third-person narration, so I hope you don't mind that. hahahaha 😉 I have also decided to introduce a new character, which I hope you all like. I really am kind of helpless when it comes to love. I really love it when I see two people like each other. The feelings are so sweet and it really is unlike anything else in this world.

This is a story of FIRSTS, as many of you have probably realized already, so you may be wondering why I called it Running On Empty and in all honesty, I didn't know why I wanted this to be the title. 

But either way, I am so glad to see so many take interest in my story and I hope that you will support the many other Wattpad authors because there so many of them! 

Thank you to the fans that take their time to message me too. I am very excited to learn about everyone because every person has a different story. That is what makes life so exciting and weird all at the same time.

I have come to really like covers these last few months and the song above is a cover of Taylor Swift's Begin Again by  Megan Nicole, Alex Goot and The Piano Guys. Give it a listen and tell me what you think of it. 



Frica jumped out of her bed to stretch out her arms. It had been quite a while since she had felt this good, of course, it was only a year and a half ago that she experienced her first heartbreak. Jaylin was now in Japan, according to Silya who seemed more lost than ever. Frica had noticed that Silya seemed more desperate as she continued to not see Jaylin.

Frica's chest starting feeling tight, overwhelmed with feelings of bittersweet love whenever Jaylin came across her mind. Starting things anew with Silya was harder than Frica had thought, but she hoped the girl would at least not hold any cold feelings towards her.

She had decided to let her new butler keep an eye on Silya from time to time because in a way, some sort of odd feeling made her think that she had to make up for the trouble that she had caused between her two friends.

After officially calling the engagement off with the Hennery's son, Frica's father had become more frantic on finding a suitable husband for her to wed than ever before. He limited her freedom as he became more worried for his daughter's safety. He kept telling her that she needed to become a mother so that way he could rest in peace. To Frica, his belief seemed so ancient, this was the 21st century and these days, people could choose who they wanted to marry, at least in America.

Rako, her new butler stepped into her room after she had gotten changed for the day. Frica smiled a bit at his formal speech. He was certainly good-looking and polite. One of the things that set him out to be different from Jaylin was his copper hair that always glistened against the sunlight. He was rather tall, thin, but had a good build to him. He was only a few years older than her and when he was hired by her father, Frica had known at first sight that he was a very capable person. Frica's eyes caught Rako's as he stepped towards her bed to make it.

Between the two of them, Rako had the more reserved personality, and in a way, it had pulled Frica in. She appreciated the way that he didn't need to babble on pointlessly to fill the air. Rako moved around the room with ease and grace. He did his duty efficiently.

"Rako, please tell my father that I plan to go to the library today. I don't want to spend another summer cooped up in this room like last year before..." Frica stopped halfway, feeling the name of Jaylin against her lips once more. There was no doubt that she was still sad about being in love with someone that couldn't return her feelings.

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