chapter 3

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Exdee's pov

I was at my classroom listening what our teacher been discuss today also I don't have any energy to listen even writing then finally the bell ring as I was about to leave my teacher call me "wastaken can you please stay here for a minute we need to talk" "uh of course sir" I said.

I'm already in front of my teacher's desk and I wanna know what he wants to talk about "am I in trouble mr. ortiz?" he sigh then chuckle "no you're not in trouble wastaken also you're grades are ok too" "oh well that's great" he laugh a little "listen wastaken you're a perfect student of my class and had good grades, maybe you be my student worker for my class I really need your help with it" I was surprised everything he said "wow I mean thanks mr. ortiz I really appreciate that but I don't know" "listen kid I don't want to force you it's your choice to make if you agree you're lucky I had extra room at my home" I smile a little and I really wanted too until I remember my siblings.

"it's really nice of you sir but I don't think I can't no one taking care of my siblings" "well maybe your father ca-" I cut him off before finishing what he said "actually sir he can't because my know he had other stuff" then I noticed he was frowning probably he knows what I meant "wastaken do you have problems in your home" "I..umm I don't know" I look down never I contact with my teacher "kid listen you know I can help really I will if you wanted to agree what we talked earlier I really gonna give you some cash for you and your siblings" I sigh it was actually a good idea being a student worker maybe need some a lot of money to buy a new place for us but no one taking care of them, I look to my teacher then respond "thank you for the talk sir and I'll think about it" he smile a little "ok just come to me if when you're ready ok" I nod and left.

(Time skip)

After buying some groceries I was driving headed to phil's house to pick up dream then I remember what my teacher said 'should I? I mean I really need money by the way' I thought then I'm already here saw dream with philza and his kids I noticed dream that he seems unhappy especially phil with a worried face probably something happened after I left I got out of the car headed to them "hey kiddo ready to go home?" he just nod before I pick him up philza respond "exdee before you go can we talk this seems important" I just nod and we went inside.

Phil was making some tea for us as I was sitting I look to dream just drawing while philza's kids were playing I was confused that dream always playing with them then phil came back with a tea and put it on the table "thanks phil" "no problem mate" he said while sitting down "so what do we want to talk" "well It's about dream" "what about him did he do something bad?" I said being worried "no he didn't do anything bad it's just..he seems that dream was being odd today and it makes me worried especially techno and wilbur will they were worried to him" "what happened" he sigh "well dream always like to play with my two sons but earlier he wasn't he was just sitting and drawing, then when wilbur try to drag with them to play he started panicking and saying "he doesn't want to play"" my eyes wide I look to dream who just drawing then I look back to phil and he give me a paper "what is that?" "dream's drawing" I took the paper saw the drawing and of course I sigh.

"I think I know why probably because my dad" I said while looking at the drawing then I look back to dream still drawing and he noticed me that he's not a energetic kid anymore 'dad what the f*ck did you do'

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