Chapter 3.

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Zayn turned fully looking towards the voice. "You're calling me kitten? What are you? The big bad wolf?"

"Woof, woof. I guess I am." The man let out a deep chuckle that made Zayn's body shiver. "You shouldn't talk to strangers. I could be a serial killer."

"Excuse me, I was minding my business when you hollered at me you're the one chatting up strangers." Zayn chuckled. The man was still not visible except for smoke that kept puffing out, clouding the night air. If the person were a serial killer he wasn't afraid, danger turned him on. "And since when do serial killers chat up potential victims casually, did I not get the memo?"

"You clearly didn't get the memo, kitten." The man said chuckling too.

Zayn scoffed. "Stop calling me that, and I could be a serial killer too. I have to say it is nice to meet a fellow comrade, this doesn't happen often you know."

The man clicked his tongue. "You're too pretty to be a serial killer."

Zayn glanced down flattered. "That could be my M.O. Using my looks to lure you in."

"Then kill me now, kitten. I'm lured." The man walked out of the shadows towards him.

Zayn's breath hitched when the man came into view.

They were handsome, tall, younger than he thought, around 21 or 23 years old, wearing skinny jeans, a see through shirt, most buttons undone showing a toned chest, had on a knee length black coat to keep warm. Completing the outfit was eye catching golden boots.

As the young man approached, Zayn didn't step back as they didn't appear threatening. So he stood rooted admiring the man's beautiful dimpled smile and nice, long curly hair draped over the shoulders. What was alluring about this handsome stranger was in the way the young man stared at him with intensity in the eyes.

Zayn believed if they were a serial killer, that intense stare luring him in might just be their weapon.

He also believed he was experiencing what love a first sight is all about.

A smirk formed on the man's lips seeing Zayn staring.
"Like what you see? Take a picture."

Zayn licked his lips, unashamedly looking the man up and down. "They don't make serial killers like they used to. Are you the new batch that just arrived?"

The man chuckled. "I'm Harry." He said. "What's your name?"

"You have to make me coffee first before I tell you my name, Harry."

"Fair enough." Harry gestured to the coffee shop. "I'll buy you coffee. Shall we?"

"I said, make me coffee, Harry. Where's your place?" Zayn smirked.

Harry smirked wider. "Someone is craving my milk."

Zayn rolled his eyes. "Just fucking lead the way or I'll change my mind and kill you."


Five minutes later they arrived at Harry's flat.

"This place isn't mine." Harry confessed opening the door to the flat, he stepped aside allowing Zayn to walk in before closing the door. "It's Airbnb. Smoking isn't allowed I had to go outside. What do you think? It's nice right?"

"It's nice." Zayn replied walking in further, looking the around.

The flat was an open plan. Zayn didn't know a Picasso from a Van Gogh but the paintings on the walls looked like the ones he's seen at museums, massively big with impressive wooden frames. There were also random gold and silver artefacts scattered around the room.

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