Chapter 5.

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From Intel they received, the club shuts at 04:00. The mob boss leaves at 03:00 on the dot for some reason everyday without fail.

With trap set, the mission relied heavily on the boss taking the bait and showing an interest in Zayn's, aka, Jordan's arrival. Zayn was not going to play hard to get obviously. However he didn't want to give the boss time to overthink any reasons not to take him home.

02:45am, fifteen minutes before the boss leaves, Zayn and his team arrived at the club in two armoured big SUV's'. His team were acting as his bodyguards, kitted up in black suits. To keep up appearances they did not hide their guns and wore headpieces for all to see.

Liam, Luke and Michael went with him to the club Louis left out deliberately. He had an important role.

Zayn was clad in white linen suit. Crucially he was wearing custom made audio earrings with a black pearl to ensure communication between him and his team. A bear gold necklace Liam gave him for their second wedding anniversary around his neck.

As they entered the club heads turned to look at the gorgeous man in white. Zayn's eyes quickly scanned the room. The club had a modern feel, dimly lit with red velvety plush booths. Indie music played softly in the background.

A hostess was quick to see to him and ushered Zayn to his reserved booth before he could check out other clubbers. He sat down on the booth made for four people and ordered a neat Macallan whiskey.

There was complimentary Chardonnay on ice on the table but Zayn needed something strong to loosen his tense muscle before he becomes the one to fuck things up.

"You're alright?" Liam asked seeing him tapping his fingers on the table a tell tale sign when Zayn was nervous.

Zayn stopped tapping and looked up at him. Liam was standing beside the booth. "How do you keep it together when doing a recon?" He asked quietly.

"I pretend you're not there." Liam replied.

Zayn frowned. "You pretend I'm not there?"

Liam nodded. "For you to focus you have to pretend I'm not there. Block me out. That's what I do."

"Let's switch." Michael's voice echoed in their ears.

Zayn looked at him. Michael and Luke were standing guard by the entrance even though the clubs have four bouncers there.

"It would be impossible for you to pretend Liam is not here when he's literally right there standing next to you, Zayn." Michael added.

"Stay put, Michael." Zayn said looking at him. "I'm taking the advice. Pretending all of you are not here."

"Ooh, is that Jordan's naughty side coming out. He's supposed to be a bad boy, isn't he, Zayn." Luke said softly. "Become him. Act naughty. Twerk on Liam he looks tense as shit. Two birds with one stone. Killed. Boom."

Zayn chuckled softly looking at Luke who was smiling looking back at him. "I'm not twerking on anyone."

"Do it." Luke urged. "Be naughty. Oh hold up.
The target had someone cozied to him, he just sent them away and is looking at you, Jordan."

"Your drink is coming." Liam said seeing a server coming with Zayn's drink.

Zayn nodded his thanks to the server. He didn't want to make it obvious he was there to look for a specific person, as he brought the glass to his lips to take a sip he swept his gaze slowly across the room checking out the men. They were upmarket rich, young and older, men in expensive designer suits mostly.

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