Chapter 7.

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An hour later,

The group were at the airport awaiting a plane being refuelled to take them home. From Carlos's mansion they drove straight to the airport. Zayn arranged a checkout at the hotel at eleven in the morning as a diversion. When Carlos's men come after them, that would be the first place to check he expected. So does everyone else.

Zayn changed out of the white suit into black jeans and tee. Having not slept a good few hours the five of them were snuggled on one big sofa, feeling tired, ready to go home.

The airport was small used for military purposes so it was almost deserted at that time of the morning except for them and a small crew refuelling the plane.

"You took a chance handling the guards don't you think so, Zayn?" Michael said.

"It was a calculated risk." Zayn shrugged. "The way I saw it why have ten minutes heads up when you can have an hour. I saw how the guards look at me when we arrived I figured they'll eat anything I feed them."

"Good call, as always, Zayn." Louis said. "That's from all of us. Thank you for getting us out of there with no body count. Technically the asset killed himself. So that doesn't count."

"Would any of you take a cyanide pill?" Michael asked.

"I rather shoot myself in the head thanks." Zayn said snuggling to Liam who was clingy all of a sudden.

He wondered whether that had anything to do with Liam listening to his moans during his act with Carlos.

"I'm with you, babe. I'll shoot myself in the head." Liam said kissing Zayn's hair.

"When's the plane going to be ready again?" Louis asked half asleep.

Zayn looked at the time. "Fifteen minutes they said_"

"That was fifteen minutes ago, Zayn." Louis groaned.

Zayn chuckled. "I might as well take this time to thank you guys for a job well done today. I'm not going to be seeing some of you for two weeks so y'all enjoy your time out. Get pissed. I'm going to miss you."

"Thanks, Zayn." Luke said. "Since I'm the only one going abroad for two weeks I will miss you guys. Try not to have too much fun without me okay?"

"We'll try." Michael stuck his tongue out at him.

Luke rolled his eyes, "On that note I'll go check with the pilot how long before we leave o'right?"

"I'll come with you, Luke. I need some fresh air." Michael got up to join him and they both left.

"Louis, cover your ears. I need to talk to Zayn about something real quick." Liam said looking at him.

Zayn laughed when Louis gave Liam the finger before turning to face away from the couple. "What do you want to talk about, Li?" He asked.

"First of all, let me say, I love you." Liam leaned down to kiss Zayn on the lips. "You don't have to say it back  that's fine. What I want to talk about is, do you really want a divorce?"

Zayn sighed, "Not really but_"

"Then wear your wedding ring." Liam didn't let Zayn finish what he was going to say, slipping the ring back on Zayn's finger. "You like the ring."

"I do." Zayn smiled. "While I don't mind wearing the ring what I was going to say is, I think a separation will do us good."

Liam frowned. "I hear you but I don't follow how us being apart going to solve our problems, Zayn."

Zayn sat up straight to face him. "Liam, I do not want to divorce you, but let's not kid each other we've lost that spark. Time apart might help us find it. Even Steph suggesting trial separation once remember?"

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