Chapter 4.

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"Just for your information I'm free, single and ready to mingle." Harry said, his otherwise tied tongue loose.

Zayn laughed when Harry then winked at him with both eyes. "Being single is freedom, Harry. Enjoy it."

"Hang on, you think being single is a freedom?" Harry asked.

"The way I see it, when you're single your time is yours to do whatever you want opposed to sharing it with someone who decides to surprise you by sweeping you away for a weekend away with people you can't stand the sight of but you grind your teeth and bear it not to upset your partner. Know what I mean?"

Harry chuckled. "That's happened to you then?"

"All I'm saying don't take the freedom you have by being on your own for granted. There are people out there who wished they could turn back the time." Zayn said with a shrug then sipped his coffee.

Harry regarded him. "Are you one of those people who wished they could turn back time?"

"No." Zayn smiled. "There's nothing that I have done in my adult life so far that I wished I hadn't or regret doing. That includes kissing you, Harry. You're a good kisser."

Harry smiled blushing. "You're not bad yourself."

"You mind me asking a personal question?"

"Not at all." Harry replied shaking his head.

"Have you always wanted to be kindergarten teacher? Was that like your dream job?"

Harry chuckled. "If I had a penny for every time I've been asked that question my piggybank jar would be overflowing_"

"You don't have to answer if you're tired of hearing the question, Harry, just allow me to imagine you're doing the job to teach the children to hypnotise adults and then take over the world and kill all the bad people."

"That's quite an imagine." Harry said chuckling. "To answer you being a kindergarten teacher wasn't my dream job. It's just like a stopover until I decide what I want to do with my life if you know what I mean."

"How old you are, Harry?"

"You're not asking my age cause you think I should be old enough to know what I want to do with my life, is it?" Harry scoffed. "Well, I'm 23. A business graduate and know I don't want to be stuck in an office staring at pie charts when I would rather make pies. So I got the kindergarten job just for the hell of it. Was that a satisfactory answer for you?"

"Im sorry for offending you that wasn't my intention." Zayn said giving him an apologetic smile. "Harry, I'm 28. I've no regrets on things I've done like I said. I do regret things I didn't do in my early twenties and now can't do because responsibilities have piled up. One of those things I wish I done is travel around the world, go to as a many countries as I can. When I asked your age t'was because I didn't want to guess but reckoned you looked around 21 and was then going to suggest you travel, experience the world. Who knows if you might just stumble on what you're passionate about along the way." Zayn got up. "Thanks for the coffee, it was kind of you to invite me in but it's time I leave_"

Harry panicked standing up to stop him going. "Don't
go. Please. I'm sorry. It's my fault I always make things awkward I_" his voice trailed off. He sighed taking a deep breath. "We were getting on okay weren't we?"

"We are." Zayn smiled. He liked how confident Harry was when he called him kitten, the desperation in his voice now was sending him. He had to go, he had a job to do but decided to stay for a bit as Harry looks like he might cry. "How about another cuppa? I can make it this time." He suggested seeing Harry's hands shaking.

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