Chapter 6.

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"We're in his room." Liam continued. "Luke and I told the guards we were coming to get you, Michael stayed behind not to rouse any suspicions. The asset just told us_oh shit!"

Zayn heard a commotion wondered what the hell was going on but couldn't possibly blow his cover.

"Whats going on, guys?" Louis asked. There was silence. "Liam? Luke? Talk to me I've got no eyes on you."

"Oh shit! Fuck!" Liam cursed.

"He's dead." Luke said.

"Who's dead?" Louis asked.

"The asset, Louis." Liam replied. "He fucking took a cyanide pill. Shit! Shit!"

"Don't you cry over spilled milk, Liam, appreciate his death just made your exit out of there easy, he could have easily expose you guys, think about that. I'd say let us take a moment breathe a sigh of relief but just tell me at least the asset gave you the information before taking his easy way out, Liam." Louis said.

"He didn't give us rather told us where it is. It's in his laptop obviously, that's in Carlos's room because the man has trust issues apparently. Either Zayn acquire the laptop or we leave empty handed. Since Zayn has no weapons on him its going to be risky to take Carlos down to get the laptop so I say let's get the fuck out of here." Liam said.

"You don't believe Zayn can take Carlos down without using weapons, Liam?" Louis asked.

Zayn groaned quietly. Louis and Liam were always at loggerheads on the field, while normally he would just laugh at them, not today, the risks were too high. "Not now guys." He mumbled.

"No, actually, now, Zayn." Liam said. "The dead guy also told us Carlos wears a watch he never takes off that has a panic button. So if you try anything, do you think Carlos is not going to press that and say instead, let me take this watch off so we can fight fairly do you? I think fucking not. And we can't badge in that room without Carlos raising an alarm either_"

"I'll take Carlos down. I have visibility of the room. Zayn made me second in command, so I'm going to be his voice as he can't talk right now. I bet what's going on in his mind would be he didn't just do a recon to go back empty handed. Zayn, cough once if you want me to go ahead and take him down. If not, cough twice to get the fuck out of there. Your call, boss." Louis said.

Zayn coughed once. Louis knew his mind and was spot on. He won't get fucked for nothing. No way they're getting out of there empty handed.

"Guys, trouble is brewing. I see four guards making their way up the stairs, they're doing routine checks rather than suspicious I think, as you can all hear Michael is laughing with the rest of them outside the main entrance. With their paces I reckon you have six minutes before they reach the third floor wing you guys are in. So we don't need to give them a reason to get suspicious. Zayn will get the laptop then you all fuck out of there. Liam, the guy said anything about where in Carlos's room is the laptop?" Louis asked.

"It's in a desk. Right top drawer." Liam said. "Got that, Zayn?"

Zayn coughed once to indicate he received that and flushed the toilet.

"Zayn, move Carlos to the window. I'm ready to take the shot. I'm aware we aren't to kill him and start a civil war. I will take him down for you to get to the laptop. Six minutes. Luke, count us down." Louis said.

"Counting us down. Six minutes." Luke said.

Zayn washed his hands, used the soap to wash smell of cum on before walking back to the bedroom.

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