Chapter 8.

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"If you seen him you'd fall in love with him on the spot too, Justin. His name is Zayn. And you know how you rate guys you meet on looks? Well, Zayn is drop dead gorgeous." Harry smiled. If he closed his eyes he could still vision Zayn's beautiful face. "That's basically it. The story of our cute meet."

Three months later Harry was reliving the encounter with Zayn to his pal Justin who works and lives in New York and flown in for Niall's birthday. September 13th.

They were at a club in Covent Garden for Niall's 26th celebratory party. At 23, Harry was the youngest of the quartet group of friends. At 27, Justin was oldest and considered himself wisest. To complete the quarter was Shawn, 26, was considered the life of the party.

Living up to that reputation, Shawn was on the dance floor boogying with their mutual friends keeping the party alive whilst Harry, Niall caught up with Justin.

"First of all, it's called a meet cute, Harry." Justin said before firing with questions. "You two boyfriends now? That is a big deal you know that right? Why have you guys kept that secret from me? Anyways where's Zayn now? On his way here to the club? Am I going to meet him?" He asked.

Harry sighed looking towards the entrance as if on cue Zayn would just walk in. But that wasn't to be for he had no idea where Zayn, who still was in possession of his phone, was.

He'd been pining ever since Paris and been wandering the streets of Greenwich where Zayn told him he lives in search of him. Shawn goes along on those searches and had told Harry if they bumped into Zayn, he'd beg Zayn on Harry's behalf for a night with him. Niall told them they both need help.

"Well, Justin, thing is, our meet cute in Paris was the first and last time we saw each other. It's been three months and radio silence ever since then." Harry said.

"Harry, let me get this straight." Justin started. "You met a handsome guy in the ultimate city of love, took him to your place, he striptease for you, Ooh la la. How risqué. Of course you're an alpha with an omega heart, so after that show, to show your appreciation you then made the guy coffee, bake him a cake, gave him a slice to eat instead of eating him out. Did I miss anything?"

"Harry missed the part where he tells you the guy is married explaining the radio silence." Niall informed him.

Justin looked over at Niall. "I take it your boyfriend has not divorced his wife explaining why he's splashing out on an extravagant birthday party for you then to compensate for that, Niall?"

"I'll have you know Richard separated from his wife a year ago and you would have known that, Justin, had you not bailed out of our last Christmas plans." Niall set the record straight rolling his eyes.

"That's me told." Justin said chuckling. "What's today about then? Richard's anniversary of that separation or your birthday?"

"Justin, you remember when you made a vow to stay out of my fucking business?" Niall said firmly. "I do. And you seem to have forgotten Richard's wife cheated and became pregnant with another man's child before I was even in the picture. For your information he's  served her with divorce papers she won't sign until he agreed to support the child financially even though they're not his. Obviously you've been busy with your New York life to know that but as a lawyer you should know before you hang the man to dry know the facts."

"Apologies, Niall." Justin put his hands up. "Consider the comments about your married boyfriend sustained they weren't meant as a rebuke but an observation. I assure you. I will do better to remember my vow from herein forth. I would say one thing, Richard's presence and his forty-something friends in the club right now is making it hard to mind my own fucking business_"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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