life of the party

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life of the party : one out of fifteen

lyric based around: we don't care what them people say

word count: 1535


Shawn and I were walking around his small town, Pickering, at eleven o'clock at night, talking about our futures and life after high school. It was kind of our Friday night tradition whenever I was in town, which included me making him skip the last two periods of school, explore the field near his house, then spend at least fifty dollars on food at our favorite fast food restaurant, In and Out. We'd been doing the exact same thing ever since I could remember, probably around grade eight.

"So, where do you plan on going to college?" he questioned, looking down at me expectantly for an answer as we walked in sync along the empty roads of the town. I shrugged my shoulders in thought, pulling at the pink cotton candy I had in my hands that Shawn had bought me earlier.

"Dunno," I replied, chuckling at my own cluelessness about my future. I was more of a live in the moment kind of person, failing to pay much attention to life after anything but right now, "How about you?"

"I guess I'm not sure either," Shawn mumbled, looking down at his shoes, "I want to be a singer. I want to travel the world and do what I love, but I know it's nearly impossible. That industry is far too hard to get into. I'm not even that good, anyways."

I stared up at him in disbelief, scoffing as I nudged his arm with my shoulder, "Don't be stupid, Shawn, you're the most talented kid I've ever met. I know for a fact you can make it."

He continued to look down sheepishly almost, and even in the dark night sky I could see his cheeks heat up with red.

"You think so?"

"I know so," I giggled, popping more of the pink sugar into my mouth, letting it melt on my tongue. We both fell into silence after that, but the peaceful tranquility was soon interrupted by the sound of laughter, without a doubt made by several teenage girls.

My heart seemed to stop when I'd seen who exactly it was, the long legs and slim physique flooding my brain back with the painful memories I'd hoped to have disappeared by now. They didn't, though, and just a few words or pictures would remind me of the exact reason I'd left Pickering in the first place.

I used to be friends with her, this girl named Lauren. She was taller, prettier, smarter than I ever was, and she made sure I was aware of it every second of our friendship. I guess I'd gotten sick of her poor treatment towards me, so that's when I'd found Shawn. Shawn and I clicked the second we met, immediately, perfectly. We became friends faster than I ever thought was possible. And, well, Laur didn't like it. Not one bit.

She'd formed this little clique a while later, and the five of them physically and emotionally hurt me for the entirety of middle and high school. I didn't dare tell Shawn about any of it, knowing he'd go insane if he ever found out. I soon found out that the reason Lauren go so upset over my friendship with him was because she liked him. And apparently, Shawn liked her too. They were the 'it couple' for three years, until I couldn't take it much longer and decided to move to a different city. He broke up with her shortly after.

"Are you okay?" I hear a voice beside me ask, breaking me from my thoughts. I could feel my face drain of any color as she got closer to the two of us, but I quickly nodded and shot a small smile to reassure him that I was alright, even though I was far from it.

When Lauren reached both of our frozen figures she let out a fake gasp, resting both of her palms onto her hips, giving us a sly smirk.

"Y/n, I haven't seen you in years! What are you two doing out here?" she gushed sweetly as the rest of her friends crowded behind her.

"Nothing that's any of your business," I spat, scowling angrily. Her face fell into one of annoyance as she gave me a hard stare.

"Don't be a little bitch, y/n," she snarled, matching my tone, stepping closer to me until her lips met my ear, "You know what I'm capable

I felt myself tremble under her tall figure towering over my own, gulping down the lump stuck in my throat.

"Laur, come on, back off," Shawn tried to reason, taking his hand and gently shoving her away from me. Her lips curled down into a deep frown as she focused her attention onto him.

"Shawn, why are you hanging around a skank like her anyways? She's worthless," she shot, crossing her arms, "Don't you miss me?"

While the two were arguing back and forth, I took the time to try and sneak off, itching to get as far away from Lauren as possible. Just being around her made me feel like shit, like I really was worth nothing.

My attempt at getting away failed, because I was met with two palms shoving me against a lamp post, the heel of shoe kicking me hard in the middle of my stomach. I yelped out in pain as I clutched the aching skin with both of my arms, looking up as all five girls heads turned towards me, the sound of their laughter buzzing throughout the empty street.

Shawn's eyes widened as he stared at me with shock, the look in his eyes quickly replaced with rage as he clenched his fists in fury, chest rising and falling rapidly with anger.

"Leave, all of you, now!" he shouted, kneeling over to where I lay, watching with fire in his eyes as the girls sauntered off, Lauren making sure to turn back and throw me a small wink before their bodies disappeared into the darkness.

I let out a strangled sob when his long arms embraced me, the sound of his quiet hushes making me feel even worse.

"Y/n, what was that?" he breathed, backing up slightly and tilting my chin upwards so that my eyes locked with his. I shook my head tiredly and stared down at the dirty concrete below us, sighing when his calloused thumbs rubbed against my cheeks, ridding of the trails of tears staining the pink skin.

By the time I'd finished explaining from start to finish on what had happened, why I moved, and why I reacted the way I did, I was drained of tears. All I could do was look guiltily up at his confused features.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? I could've helped," he raged defensively, eyebrows knitted together as he bit his bottom lip.

"That's the thing, Shawn, you couldn't have!" I cried, "I was too far in when I met you. Lauren made me feel like nothing whenever I was around her, and I swear I was so close to-"

"To what? Killing yourself?!" he screamed, eyes popping out of their sockets. I saw them fill with tears, the droplets slowly falling down his chin and onto his thin t-shirt.

"No, not killing myself, I wasn't brave enough to do that," I whispered as I played with my fingers, "But Shawn, if there was a car rushing towards me at one hundred miles per hour, I'm not too sure if I would've moved out of the way. Everything that she called me for those six years? Slut, skank, whore, bitch? I came to believe, and hell, I think I still do."

"Oh, God, y/n, please don't say that," he choked, "Do you even realize how much you mean to people? How much you mean to me? When you left Pickering, I kid you not, I felt empty. I felt like half of me was gone. When you left, I realized that Lauren wasn't the one I needed. It was you."

"You have an entire future ahead of you. You can't let these imbeciles to take that away from you, you can't let anyone take that away from you, you deserve so much more. Lauren and those girls? They're just people. You shouldn't care what those people say, because I could never stress it enough, none of what they say could possibly be true. You're beyond perfect, y/n, please remember that. You aren't a slut, you aren't a whore, you're perfect. Get that through your head."


i really love this album imagine idea thing lol im gonna have a lot of fun w this :-))

so this is just the way I perceived the song and how I took in the song lyric. if it's not the way you feel about the song, then well idk lol im sorry but haha i hope you still like it

but yo thanks for 10k reads omg that's actually insane i love you guys so much you have no idea & im so happy u guys like what i write !!!

thank you again, i love you soso much, byee!!

next imagine: stitches

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