Chapter 10 part 1

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Humanity will never know unless Humanity tries it

Luna - Whoever you are , show urself

(Selene appears from the darkness with a moon white gown)

Selene - Don't you know who I am ? I am you .

Luna - How can you be me ? I am myself.

Selene - Luna you are me reborn. I've been following you from birth . Why else would I have put the thought in your mother's mind to name you Luna .

Luna - Then why did you kill my parents .

Selene - I didn't that was destiny our parents were bound to die , nothing we do can change that .

Luna - Why would I trust a God who hides the moon while humanity is crumbling.

Selene - Cause struggle breeds greatness. I could and can go back to that humble night and place the Moon back to where it was as if nothing happened. But I won't!

Luna (enraged) - And why is that !

Selene - I watched humanity for thousands of years, and began to realize humanity would always deliver when it mattered most . Trust me if I didn't think the time was correct I wouldn't have done it . Humanity will never know unless Humanity tries it .

Luna - Alright I understand why you had to make the Moon disappear in-order to save humanity but why do you need me ?

Selene - You're my heir . You will inherit the Moon .

Luna (stunned ) - But why ? You look in perfectly good Health.

Selene - Sometimes the emotional pain is just too much Luna and in this case I have had too much .

Luna - But...How am I supposed to undertake such a task ?

Selene - Remember you are me , if I could do it you can do it too! If I left without telling you these things you would never know who you are !

Luna - So you want me watch over Earth and it's people

Selene - Yes ! Well then shall we ?

Luna - A new life , a new world .

Selene - A gift .

Selene open's the Void and directs the Moon into orbit

Luna - Which year are we returning the Moon to?

Selene - 2222

Luna - Why this particular year ?

Selene - Because in the next couple of minutes you will see the last shuttle to ever revisit Earth for the final time before never returning. It was either now or never.

To be Continued

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