chapter 3

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 It got to later and Eric and Jessica decided to give their friends/family a tour. However, while they did, the Phantom Virus seemed to appear. He snuck to the computers and he did a little of type work and it summoned eight kids: It was the Sugar Rush racers from Jessica's game, except for one.

"Wh-What's going on?" the blonde one known as Rancis Fluggerbutter asked.

"What'd just happened!?" the one called Snowanna Rainbeau added in fright.

"Silence, you're all going to work for me, just like your little friend...." the Phantom Virus grinned to them.

"Friend?" the racers asked.

Taffyta Muttonfudge came by the virus's side, looking evil like she used to as she sucked her lollipop slowly. "Hello, old friends..." she greeted evilly.

This caused for the racers to gasp as they saw Taffyta.

"W-We thought you h-had vanished!" Snowanna Rainbeau said out of fear.

"I did..." Taffyta said as she licked her lollipop, looking like the icy girl Cherry suspected her to be. "I just couldn't let you all let a glitch boss you all around."

"You leave Vanellope alone!" Rancis sounded suddenly protective of the princess of their game.

"Someone's defensive..." Taffyta chuckled. "You're all gonna do what we say... Unless of course, you'd like to be erased from existence..." she threatened darkly.

The racers gasped again then.

"Y-You wouldn't!" Gloyd Orangeboar cried.

"We would..." the Phantom Virus grinned darkly to them.

The racers looked to each other, then hung their heads.

"Okay, we'll do whatever you say." Gloyd Orangeboar said.

Minty Zaki clung to Swizzle 'The Swizz' Malarkey, nodding as well. "Just don't erase us."

"Excellent work, my dear... Now we are to be rid of that pesky Mystery Inc and their friends..." the Phantom Virus said with a demented grin before laughing with his sidekick, Taffyta.


Fred walked with a magnet ahead of the gang as they went along to search the school.

"This building is so big!" Daphne gasped. "This Phantom Virus could be anywhere."

"Sounds like a good time to split up." Cherry suggested.

"I was just thinking the same thing." Fred agreed.

"Me and Patch will go with Shaggy and Scooby." Atticus said.

Shaggy and Scooby went with Atticus and Patch.

"Hey, you guys, I didn't say how we were gonna split up." Fred stopped them.

Shaggy looked back. "Like, do we do it any other way?"

Fred shrugged as he went off with the girls. Fred and the girls went to the basement.

"Why do we have to start in the basement?" Daphne complained.

"We have to search the whole building, top to bottom." Velma reminded her.

Cherry looked around the old-time technology. 

"That stuff looks like it belongs in the Smithsonian." Fred commented when he pulled back a tarp.

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