chapter 6

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Mystery Inc, Cherry, Atticus, and Patch then arrived to an old jungle setting.

"This place beats Rome any old day, huh, buddies?" Shaggy chuckled.

Cherry looked around. "This place is giving me serious Jurassic Park vibes..."

"I think you're right, Cherry," Velma observed. "It's a prehistoric jungle!"

"Oh, come on! Why a prehistoric jungle?!" Patch asked.

"Think we'll meet the Flintstones?" Cherry couldn't help but joke.

A pterodactyl screeched as it carried one of the racers in its talons. 

"Which one is that, Cherry?" Patch asked, since the girl seemed to be an expert like Jessica when it came to Sugar Rush Speedway trivia.

Cherry took a close look and recognized. "It's Crumbelina di Caramello!"

"Oh, no! How are we going to rescue Crumbelina?" Patch asked.

The pterodactyl zipped past them, still carrying the racer.

"Look over there!" Fred noticed an aptasaurus feeding on some leaves.

"Don't worry about that one... It's a vegetarian." Cherry said to Scooby and Shaggy.

However, the two got instantly scared by loud foot stomps and saw The Phantom Virus and Taffyta coming by on a tyrannosaurus rex with sharp rock spears. 

"How's this for a heavy hitter?" the virus taunted with a wicked laugh.

"That sounds like a line that a pitcher would say." Atticus said.

"Jinkies!" Velma cried. "They're riding a T-Rex!"

"You'll pay for this, Cherry and Atticus!" Taffyta sneered.

"I think I saw a cave behind the trees!" Cherry called before running along. "Come on!"

They all began to follow Cherry so they could get away from the T-Rex and hopefully wouldn't get eaten. 

"I always knew I'd die in a chase scene..." Cherry snorted.

The T-Rex stopped by the trees and snarled as it couldn't get in through.

"Stupid overgrown lizard!" Taffyta groaned in misfortune. "HEEYAH!" she then kicked the dinosaur in the side of its face, making it try to go into the trees after them. 

The Phantom Virus threw his spear, but luckily, it didn't hit any of the gang as they were able to escape and the spear went through a tree trunk.

"Whew, that was close." Jessica said as they were watching what was going on.

"I'll say." Eric added.

"They're doing pretty good so far," Wembley had to admit. "I'm wondering something here, fellas. Who activated that laser and sent those poor kids into the game?"

"Who knows?" Billy shrugged. "Could be anyone."

"Even somevun in zhis room..." Professor Kaufman looked suspicious.

"Yeah, but who would want to do such a terrible thing?" Jessica asked.

They all decided to think it over, studying the others, but not blaming one or the other since that was childish.

Back in the dinosaur cave, the Mystery Inc gang made a fire as they made shelter in a cave while Scooby and Shaggy were making drawings on the cave to pass the time.

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