chapter 11

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And as for the dance, King Triton had approved of Urchin going to the dance and turned him human just for that one night sorta like a Cinderella deal.

"At de stroke of 12, da spell will be broken, and you will return to just as you was before." Sebastian reminded the boy. 

Urchin nodded his understanding as he wore a green tuxedo-like getup as he had a sparkling white rhinestoned periwinkle bow. "Alright... Wish me luck..." he said before going.

The crab and King Merman waved to him as they went back under the sea.

Urchin hummed to himself as he memorized the address to the Fudo house and rang the doorbell as he hid the bow behind his back, he heard Darla was going to be wearing a glittery periwinkle dress and he wanted it to match since Darla only had pink and red hair bows left behind.

The front door then opened, showing Darla in a glittering periwinkle dress and matching periwinkle glass slippers just her size. Urchin was speechless to of how beautiful she looked.

"Is everything alright, Urchin?" Darla asked.

"Fine..." Urchin said, blushing slightly. "You look stunning."

Darla gave a teasing chuckle. "Stunning? You act like this is the 15th century."

Urchin laughed himself, he then gave her the bow to match her dress and shoes. "For you..."

Darla smiled and took the bow, putting it onto her empty blonde-curled head and looked in a hand mirror, bouncing her curls in one hand. "Oh, Urchin, it's lovely!" 

Urchin smiled, then took Darla's hand as they walked to Patrick's car, he would drive them to the dance. 

"Look at how adorable you two are..." Patrick smiled as he snapped a picture of them before getting them into the car to the elementary school.

"This night is going to be magical." Darla said.

"Especially since you'll be the belle of the ball..." Urchin said to her, making her blush a little.

Patrick smiled as he pulled up to the elementary school and everyone was walking into the school with their young significant other. What the other didn't know was that the other had help with what they were wearing and by that, both of their outfits would return to the way they were at the stroke of midnight. Darla and Urchin walked into the school and saw the various kids talking to each other as some music played. 

"Darla!" Amber called as she stood with the Angelica, Susie, and Lil.

"Amber!" Darla ran to her best friend as most girls do at their school dances before they dance with their dates.

The girls all complimented each other on their dresses. Urchin looked to the clock to see he had plenty of time to dance before the stroke of midnight. It wasn't until about 25 minutes in, that a slow song came.

Urchin walked up to Darla. "Would you like to—"

"Oh, I'd love to dance with you, cute boy!" Angelica smirked, going to Urchin to dance with him instead and forced him to the dance floor.

Darla felt heartbroken and she was about to walk away. She couldn't believe that just happened. She then walked off in sadness, then looked angry. But to her surprise, someone tapped her shoulder and it was Urchin, he had gotten out of Angelica's clutches.

Darla blinked in surprise, then took Urchin's hands again. She smiled with hints of more blush as they went further out to the dance floor as they found a center for themselves. Amber danced happily with Tommy, then looked over her shoulder and smiled fondly once she saw her dear best friend having a good time. 

Darla and Urchin looked into each other's now shining eyes and they shared something that no one their age would dare think possible: Their first kiss together. After their kiss, the song ended and the students cheered for the performance. And just like if they were in Cinderella, the clock began to strike 12:00 as a warning sign for Urchin and Darla. 

"Oh, no, we better hurry!" Darla hiccuped. "Come on, Urchin, we have to go to Daddy Patrick's car!"

Darla and Urchin ran as fast as they could. It was almost a lot like Cinderella when the girls briefly crowded Urchin, finding him to be dreamy, but he fought the crowd and ran. He was slowly turning back to normal as he tried to catch up with Darla, she even accidentally dropped her bow on the way out. 

Patrick picked them up and took Darla home and Darla had told him to go to the ocean to take Urchin home before he would grow his tail fin back. Patrick drove as fast as he could so then they would make it in time. Patrick got to the ocean just in time for Urchin to be placed back into the water and turned back into a merboy.

"Good night, Darla..." Urchin said softly to the girl he loved.

"Good night, Urchin..." Darla smiled small back to him as she was wearing her old clothes now, she didn't seem to notice she was missing her bow now and went back to the car to get home and get some rest.

Urchin smiled, having to have his very first kiss with the one he loved. He then dived into the ocean and began to swim back home, always going to remember his first kiss. However, before he went in, Darla's new bow was blowing in the wind. Urchin noticed it and decided to take it and hold onto it. He then smiled as he went back under the sea where everything was better down where it was wetter.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2015 ⏰

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