chapter 8

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 After quick bonding and getting to know the area better, the Freds decided to go to the Mystery Machine and take a look at the Cyberspace land they were in.

"So, do you guys know where the Scooby Snacks are?" Cherry asked.

"Oh, we do, but there's no reason for us to find them," Velma-2 explained. "Because if we even get the Scooby Snacks, we'd just go right back to the beginning of the game."

"And we like it here." Daphne-2 smiled.

"Until you guys showed up with that Phantom Virus and Tabitha girl or whatever her name is." Shaggy-2 added as well.

"We'd be glad to get rid of him for you." Velma promised.

"If we could." Daphne shrugged.

"And Vanellope's not so bad..." Cherry said.

"Oh, no?" Fred-2 scoffed. "Trust us... We know what we're talking about."

"Well, we'll all team up and then the Phantom Virus and Taffyta won't stand a chance." Fred said, very determined.

"And I'll go find Vanellope and prove to you five that she isn't a bully or a zombie." Atticus said to the digital Mystery Inc gang.

The digital Mystery Inc wished him luck, making Vanellope sound like a monster in this world.

Fred-2 dropped them all off to a carnival to calm their nerves so they could all have some fun. The digital Mystery Inc even told them where the Scooby Snacks were and they were inside the arcade, however, something caught their attention. They all turned as they heard baseballs hitting a metal bat and there was a pro ball player inside the batting cages and there was a short girl dressed like a cheerleader with him by his side.

"Hey, man, great swing!" Shaggy cheered him on.

The cheerleader turned around, revealing to be Taffyta. Thanks, want his autograph?" she grinned eerily again.

"Everybody play ball!" the Phantom Virus called as he summoned some old Scooby Doo villains.

"Yikes, our old enemies, at least we won't have to worry about new ones..." Velma said, then looked behind Cherry and worried. "Jinkies..."

"What?" Cherry put her hands on her hips, not feeling scared, though someone from a previous adventure was behind her now.

"Um, Cherry, behind you..." Patch said, pointing his paw behind her.

"Oh, I'm supposed to be surprised that Ben Ravencroft is right behind me?" Cherry taunted, slowly turning to see the author she used to obsess over.

Ben growled as he tried to seem threatening. "Oh... How does she do that?"

"I changed a lot since I spent my first Christmas away from my family..." Cherry folded her arms with a smirk. 

"Oh... You think so...?" Ben smirked, leaning over her. "I can do worse... Much worse..."

"Bring it..." Cherry told him, without showing any fear.

"Hello, brat." A teenage boy's voice said from behind Atticus and Patch.

"Hello, little pint-sized hero." A woman's voice said from behind them as well.

Patch and Atticus turned around, even they had sworn enemies in this game. 

"DESTROY THEM!" a familiar voice called.

Cherry turned to see Vanellope, she looked just as aggressive as the digital Mystery Inc said they were. "Vanny!?"

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