chapter 5

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"Where are we now and where did Minty go?" Daphne asked.

"If I'm not mistaken we're in the Roman Coliseum." Velma stated.

"Let's hope wherever Minty is, she's safe now..." Cherry was worried about Minty now too.

"Roliseum?" Scooby asked.

"You mean like where they play football?" Shaggy asked.

"Not exactly, Shaggy, you see, back in Ancient Rome, the Coliseum was used for all sporting events and where warriors used to always battle each other to entertain the king and audience and also where they fed the warriors to the lions for lunch." Atticus explained.

"Yes, it was a wonderful tradition..." Cherry said, finding light in the dark situation that was Roman games.

"Rions?" Scooby gulped.

"Well, it looks deserted now." Daphne observed.

"Don't get your hopes up..." Cherry said, knowing something would come down and ruin this moment for all of them.

"Speaking of lunch, we didn't even get to keep those Scooby Snacks from the Moon Level." Shaggy sounded disappointed.

Scooby agreed, feeling very hungry now.

"Don't worry, Scoob, I bet there's a concession stand somewhere." Shaggy smiled apologetically.

"Hey, look at this." Patch said as soon as he noticed white lines drawn into a shape of a large diamond, reminding him of Bill's game.

Cherry kneeled down, tapping the lines with her fingers and licked them a bit. "It's chalk..." she said softly. It was then she realized the shape of the chalk lines. "It's a baseball diamond!"

"Rikes!" Scooby gasped as he realized the Phantom Virus and Taffyta were there again with swords and shields.

"Welcome to Level Two, game players," The Phantom Virus grinned darkly. "Where things get a little bit tougher!"

"But first, let's introduce you to the home team and their mascots!" Taffyta grinned as well as she slashed the locks over the doors to show skeleton gladiators to come for them.

"Seriously?" Atticus asked, unamused. "Skeleton gladiators?"

"Is that the best you can do?" Cherry asked, a little uncaring in her tone of voice as always, but even more so this time.

The skeleton gladiators came out and roared with their weapons.

"And now, for the home team's mascots!" The Phantom Virus grinned sickly as he slashed another chained up door.

There came out a rather vicious lion with the box of Scooby Snacks in his mouth and Swizzle Malarkey was shown being dangled from the top of the seats.

"Couldn't we face Mufasa or Simba?" Cherry asked.

"No." Taffyta said with a sick grin.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Patch asked with an irritated face.

"The lion's got the Scooby Snacks and Swizzle Malarkey!" Daphne cried out.

"You know, for once, I'm not in the mood for Scooby Snacks..." Shaggy said, feeling uneasy.

"Re reither!" Scooby added.

The lion hopped, then put the box down and came closer, roaring angrily to them.

The gang ran as fast as they could and one of the skeleton gladiators threw a net to trap at least one of them inside of it and where it caught Shaggy by his legs. Everyone stopped briefly to try and help Shaggy out of his trap.

Cherry and the Cyber ChaseWhere stories live. Discover now