Chapter 3

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Xavianna and James kept hanging out. They became each others shoulder to cry on. One day both of them were walking through the school halls ways and found themselves walking towards a group of cheerleaders

Chloe: Hey James
James: Hi
Lera: Wanna hang out this weekend
James: Sorry but I got plans

The cheerleaders have been clinging on James for a while. But he kept pushing them away. He got his eyes on one girl only,  Xavianna but was oblivious to see the signals.

One day Xavianna was talking to a guy at the cafeteria. James didn't like the fact that he was sitting next to her closely invading her personal space and she seemed like she didn't mind.

They kept laughing and laughing. James walked out of the cafeteria after what he saw. He was mad that he couldn't do what he did for her. He didn't even ask her to prom. They became distant

Prom was approaching and approaching fast. Xavianna friends had dates except her. All the girls at the school thought James would be Xavinna's date but no.

It was prom night and every girl had their dresses and dates. Xavianna dress was Scarlet red, it was beautiful. Her aunts came back to help her get ready. They helped with make up and everything. When they were done they left and Xavianna got ready to get dressed but when she looked for her dress it was gone. She looked everywhere but couldn't find it. She had to wear the dressed she thought she wouldn't wear even by force. The traditional cinderella dress but modernized. The dress had a high high slit and the glass slippers completed the Cinderella look.

Sarah: You look gorgeous honey
Xavianna: Thanks
Sarah: Fairy godmother has a surprise for you.

They walked out and saw a rolls Royce.
Xavianna got in the car and saw a driver.

Liam: Good evening I'm Liam I will be driving you where ever you want to go. Fairy godmother wrote a letter for you

"Sorry for all the trouble that I've caused. We just wanted you to experience what Cinderella has. But we can't forced you. This car is for you from me it will take you wherever you want to go until midnight.

Have fun

                      From fairy godmother

Xavianna's pov

Couldn't thank her enough. Liam drove me to the school Hall where the event was held. Before I got out I saw a mask with crystals on it

Liam: Fairy godmother wants you to wear that. Cause everyone will be.
Xavianna: Out of the ordinary but okay.

I put it on and got out of the car. To find some of my friends outside waiting for me I guess.

Nairo: Is that
Tiana: No way, Cinderella you look good
Xavianna: Thanks
Nairo: You'll be stealing dates in that dress
Xaviann: Not intending to
Tiana: Wanna go in
Xavianna: Sure

We got inside and everyone turned to us. The loud music slowly tuned down. I walked with my friends but a guy stood in front of us.

Wade: Wow you look stunning.
Xavianna: Thank you
William: No one told me you're gonna be here.
Aaron: Cinderella wanna dance

A crowd of boys surrounded her but someone came to her rescue

James: Come on guys give her some room to breath
Xavianna: Thanks
James: You're welcome,I'm James
Xavianna: Nice to meet you James
James: Aren't you gonna tell me yours
Xavianna: Fairy god mother would kill me if I did
James: Yeah, she did a really good job on you
Xavianna: Really thanks, I'll let her know.
James: Wanna dance
Xavianna: Sure

I gave him my hand and he gentle pulled me. He swayed me slightly. People started to join and slow dance with us.
He then pulled me into the school hallways.

Xavianna: Do you have a date
James: No, I prefer not to have one because she would've ditched me for someone else. And the person a wanted to ask seemed like she liked someone else so I didn't even bother.
Xavianna: I understand,  can't imagine how you felt.
James: But I have you now.
Xavianna: We have each other. If you don't mind me asking,  who was the girl you wanted to ask
James: Xavianna, really beautiful, sweet, we shared a lot in common but I saw her getting close with another guy so I just gave up on her.
Xavianna: Thats cruel, my closest friend and I were starting to get distant, we don't talk anymore.
James: Well this is a pity party.
Xavianna: Yeah.
James: Still wondering why you don't have a date
Xavianna: I didn't wanna go as Cinderella I wanted to go as myself but I ended like her because my dress grew legs and ran away. I couldn't find it so had to wear this.
James: You look perfect in it
Xavianna: Thanks you look good in that tux
James: I try, I have a question if you're Cinderella who's your mom
Xavianna: She's Cinderella too, it's generational, she was Cinderella, my grandma my aunts my great great grandmother was Cinderella. Bloodline of Cinderellas
James: That's amazing.
Xavianna: Yeah it is
James: You don't seem happy about it
Xavianna: Why would I be, I'm forced to be her all my life. Can't run from it...enough about Cinderella tell me about you.
James: Its a really long story but I'll make it quick

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