Chapter 5

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"Where is my dress" Xavianna asked her mother. " I don't know honey,  how did it go" Sarah said trying to change the topic. " Don't change the topic mom, where is my dress" Xavianna asked demanding an answer.

"I took it" Wanda said closing the front door. " I wouldn't forgive myself if I let you wear a simple dress to prom,  not on a night as big as this"
She confesed,  Xavianna body filled with rage but calmed down.

" If I had never went as Cinderella, I wouldn't have found out that my friend like me more than a friend" Xavianna said looking down to her feet still surprised.

"See being Cinderella helped find out his true feelings towards you" Wanda said smiling to Xavianna." It doesn't change the fact that I was forced to become her. My opinion hasn't changed." Xavianna said walking away from the two women.

" I'm afraid she won't even accept their prince charming" Sarah said worried. "She will eventually, just needs a little patients" Wanda reassuring her fellow Cinderella.

Xavianna couldn't take her mind off what James said about her. She started asking herself I she felt the same about him or not. She didn't know if she did have romantic feelings for but she was sure of proving to the Cinderella family that she will be the first to not be a damsel in distress for no man

Fairy godmother was on her way to Sarah's house when she met with James knocking on their door

James pov

A old women wearing a sky blue dress approached me.
" Hello dear, who are you looking for" she asked looking at me sweetly." Hi I'm looking Xavi, who are you" I asked in curiosity. " I'm her Godmother nice to meet you" she answered kindly and opened the door.

"Great to see you Sarah" she said to Xavi's mother." Who's this" Xavi's mom asked. "I'm James nice to meet you. I'm guessing you're Xavi's mom" I asked hoping it was her. "Yes I am" She answered smiling. "Is she home, I want to talk to her" hoping she was here. Then I heard her, she was walking down the stairs. When she was down to where we were. I wanted to hug her it has been a while since I saw her. " Hi" she greeted walking away from us. " Hey, how've you been" I asked following her into the kitchen. "I've been good, you" she said looking into the fridge. "I've been good, where we're you on prom night" I asked hoping for a valid answer. " I was busy with something else. Why you asking" She said looking at me. " Just wanted to know where you were that's all a kinda worried" I said to her while standing next to her. " There was nothing to worry about" She said while walking away from me. " Can we talk without you trying to walk out of the room" she signed while grabbing my hand and pull up the stairs to her room which was decorated beautifully in sky blue colours.

"What do you wanna talk about" she asked while sitting down on her bed. " So why exactly weren't you at prom" I asked she signed. " I told you I was busy,  why do you keep asking " she said glaring at me. "Because it wasn't as fun as I imagined. If you were there maybe it would've been different" I said trying to lighten her up from glaring at me. "You had Cinderella to entertain you so I'm pretty sure you had fun"

How did she know? Was she there? If she was why didn't I see her there. " How did you know Cinderella was there" I asked her in curiosity. "A girl from my science class sent me pictures of her and you. Seems you were having a lot of fun" she said answering all my questions. "It didn't last long Peter came and pulled her from me" I said a little mad remembering what Peter did. "Why are you so mad at him it's no like she's yours to claim" she said making me realize something. "You're right, she's not but I'm not gonna let Peter take you" As I said that I pulled her into my lap and kissed her but she didn't kiss back.

"I like you a lot Xavi" I confessed to her and she looked suprised. " Since I laid eyes on you, you have been on my mind. I want  you to be my girlfriend" I continued hoping for mutual feelings from her. "I'm sorry James, I like you but I can't be your girlfriend" She got off my lap and looked down to her lap. "Why, is it because you like Peter" I asked her. "No I don't have feelings for him” she said and stood up. "I promised myself that I would prove my family wrong about our tradition" she said looking at me

"What family tradition" I asked wanting to know what exactly was this tradition. "I can't tell you now. Not until she tells you who she is" I got more confused who is she talking about. "Who are you talking about" I asked her. "I can't tell you" she doesn't want to tell me fine I should leave. I walked out of her room.

" Where are you going dear" her godmother asked. "I'm going home have a good day" I said walking out the door.
I should've never come here.

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